"Freedom" anyone???


New member
Just wondering if anyone here owns a Freedom Arms revolver. I'd love to get a .41 Mag or a .44 Mag from them. I think they are so tight and sturdy looking. The cylinder looks like it's part of the frame, with no space at the front or the back! Soooo solid.

Are they really superior to other brands? Give me the low down on FA......


New member
They are the best, end of story. They are made from the best materials, and machined to the tightest tolerances. They are equal or superior to anything coming from the custom makers when it comes to how well they are put together.
I sold my Freedom .454 when I found my elbows couldn't take the pounding anymore. I'm going to have another one in .44 Mag some day.


New member

One day, when the budget allows, I too will hear the roar of "Freedom" :D
Until then, I'll just enjoy the pretty pictures :eek:


Moderator Emeritus
They make what are arguably some of the finest revolvers available. Fit and finish are outstanding. It's enough to almost make me wish I liked SA wheelies. :eek:


Freedom Arms are sweet I have a 454 permier grade that I got new in 1991 and it is the best made SA PISTOL I own or have ever fired. you will get used to the recoil ,get the 454 . I have taken 2 elk with it one at 20 yards and one at 45 yards .

big daddy 9mm

New member
I have heard that.....

if money is no concern and you want the best. freedom arms are beter than ruger. can anyone verify this or what is the general opinion? :) :)

the possum

New member
Well, I got one of the .454 '83 models several years ago, and it's a nice gun. The flat surfaces are actually flat, the round surfaces are smooth and nicely blended, and the lines where the pieces of the frame fit together are barely perceptible. In an effort to remain objective though, there are a few scratches in the finish around the trigger guard that should have been polished out, and some of the corners in the grip area were left rather sharp. (but at least they didn't just buff the crap out of them and mess up the lines. There's a difference between a finely machined gun that has been dehorned, and one that was just finished sloppily to begin with) Accuracy? I don't know. As in, I haven't yet discovered its potential since I just can't shoot as good as it can. It came with a 25 yard 5 round test group from the factory, (fired from a machine rest) and all five shots went into one hole you could cover with a nickel. Whether you need that level of accuracy, that's up to you. I shot my deer with it at 8 yards & 35 yards last year, so it probably didn't matter. There were reports going around a few years ago of quality going down a bit when Dick Casull left the operation, but I don't know how prevalent the problems were or if they've been fixed.

These guns are strong. Freedom Arms used to load their own ammo, and their "standard" loads will ruin a Taurus .454. (you can find examples on this site) I don't know for sure how a Ruger would compare in the real world, but I distinctly recall they considered Freedom Arms level loads as "proof loads".

I don't believe any factory makes revolvers this finely crafted, but I'm sure several custom makers can build one that would match it. The advantage with going the custom route, of course, is getting to change more things than just the barrel length and sights. Then again, I suppose Freedom Arms has their own custom shop as well.


New member
Thanks for the reviews. :)

I do love their lines.

When it comes time to buy, it'd be difficult to get the FA when I could get 4 or 5 Rugers for the same price. You never know, though......I just may do it!


New member
The best single actions revolvers on the planet.


Worth 3 or 4 Rugers? Who knows.....? But they ARE something to behold!


New member
My boyfriend has two Freedom Arms .475s a premium grade and a field grade one, and boy does he love them. I agree they sure are pretty (there is something about that matte satiny finish and the way the thing is put together that makes it look so good), aside from that, he is always telling me how they're of the finest quality with the best tolerances, and there are no gaps?. (He always keeps one chamber empty because of this for safety reasons?).


New member
I have a .454 Premier Grade. It's just a great gun. The things said in the above posts are true. My purchase was a kid's dream come true. I had always wanted one and made the purchase. I would gladly buy another.


New member
I have a model 83 field grade in 44 mag. I really wanted a Ruger Bisley in 44 mag. I looked at about 5 different guns in a number of different gun shops. Each one had a terrible trigger and a lot of play in the cylinder. Compared to the FA, they felt like junk.

I had shot a friends Redhawk in 44 mag that had some work done to it. We shot standard loads (whatever that means). The Redhawk had a bit of a bite. When I got the FA I bought a box of MagTech. I shot thru the box as fast as I could load it. Didn't feel a thing. Felt like shooting a warm 9mm.

When I began to handload for 44mag I found myself loading way over the NEVER EXCEED range. No primer issues, no case issues, no nothing. Yes, the recoil was somewhat stout but truely fun and enjoyable.

This is a gun you can caress. You hold it in your hand and you can understand what workmanship really means. This is a benchmark gun which all others are compared to. If I had to give up all my guns but for one, the FA would be The One.


JB in SC

New member
I'm now on my fourth one, a Model 97 in .32 H&R Magnum. They are very addicting. It is accurate and of course built to extremely high tolerances. I've owned more than a fair share of revolvers, the Freedom Arms are as good as it gets from a factory. The cylinder throats are perfect, the gap is imperceptable, locks up like a bank vault, and the trigger is excellent.

As you can tell, I like 'em :)