Free Targets!


If Sarah is on one of the posters, it'd be a good way to save on ammo costs too - I'd get sick and go home after the first magfull!


New member
I'm going to do a good thing and an evil thing.

The good thing is that my recycling bin is going to be full to the top.

The bad thing is that the UPS guy is going to have a hernia getting the Brady box off the truck.

One has to think "Gee how much is this going to cost them". Lets see how much paper they want to waste.


New member
If you do, you'll never get off their mailing list!

I'm already on their mailing list:cool: (That's me, undercover).

"Keep your friends close... and your enemies closer."


New member
Maybe we should all order a 100 of each type and see if we can break their back on postage. I can always return the mail as "not at this address"


New member
I ordered 10,000 each yesterday.
I am making them pay the shipping and for making the posters and whatnot's.
See how long they want to hand them out for free.
I see a giant get together of friends and family at my place just to shoot the Brady posters.


New member
Guys, these are probbly donated by some S.O.B. that hates guns as much as the Brady's do, so it may not be coming out of their pocket at all. Take that money and give it to the NRA, where it'll go to the good of all shooters, i just dont trust anything the anti -gun cry babies are up to. I wouldnt want to think i had any thing to do with them in anyway!:barf: