FREE Appleseed Shoot in Wyoming!


New member
That is right, a FREE Appleseed Shoot in Wyoming!

Where you ask? Well, it will either be in Kemmerer, WY or Douglas, WY.

When you ask? Well, if Kemmerer, it will be August 2-3, if Douglas, then September 6-7.

So, now you what to know which location, huh?

That is the catch!

Both Kemmerer and Douglas have an Appleseed Shoot on May 31-June 1. So, the Appleseed folks said that which ever one gets the most people on the firing line for that date, gets their next Appleseed FREE.

That is FREE for all people that pre-register for their second shoot.

So, if you have an interest in getting a FREE Appleseed, you might want to consider doing all that you can to promote the May31-June 1 Appleseed nearest you, in Wyoming.

If you want more details, ask here or via PM to me.

This ought to be fun. Both ranges can handle over 100 shooters, so load them up!