Fred Thompson supporters:


New member
Its not supposed to supposed to be and it shouldn't be, regardless of which candidate a person supports.


New member
O.K., now I'm starting to understand why we can't have this kind of stuff. Soon we'll have 18 million threads dedicated solely to getting people to register with a politician's website.

Joliet Jake

Fred Thompson voted FOR the "Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation Gun Ban". That's like Reagan banning full-autos in 1986. Unforgivable.

Looks like he's all about circumventing the 4th Amendment and funding the ATF also. He also voted FOR the unpatriot act and McCain-Fiengold.

Fred Thompson is nothing but a gun banner in republican clothes and anyone that votes for him might as well vote for Rudy or Romney because there's no difference. :barf:


New member

Hey, I personally support networking. I wish you Fred Thompson supporters all the best, and would encourage everybody (even the Hillary supporters) to do the same.

Of course, I'm not an admin either ;)

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
tegemu said:
Note to moderators. Ban political threads.
Then what would be the purpose of this forum?
STAGE2 said:
So start locking them down Al and I'll send you some rogaine:D
Rogaine? I'm not that vain...

As for locking them down... I get enough complaints from everyone now!


New member

I know according to the media there's a lot of great feelings among 'conservatives' about Fred Thompson entering the race. I guess with RudyMcRomney in the front I can't blame them.

However I have had a hard time finding much about Fred Thompson I really agree with... other than the fact that "he seems like a nice guy." And "I liked him in that TV show."

If you could enlighten me and some of the others on this board all of the reasons we should support him, then I'm all for it. But as of now I have not been shown anything to get me too excited about him. However I may be wrong! Look forward to hearing more...


Moderator Emeritus
Joliet Jake,

That's like Reagan banning full-autos in 1986.

If it's not too prying a question, how old were you in 1986?

I was around during the post-GCA '68/pre-FOPA days. I'm an RKBA absolutist, and I'd have signed McClure-Volkmer with or without the Hughes Amendment, too, because I remember what it was like before.

Joliet Jake

Tamara said:
I was around during the post-GCA '68/pre-FOPA days. I'm an RKBA absolutist, and I'd have signed McClure-Volkmer with or without the Hughes Amendment, too, because I remember what it was like before.

So what was it like for you?

You couldn't buy your ammo mailorder? I challenge that the ammo issue would have been resolved by now anyway.

You had to be really careful who you sold to as a private citizen? Nothing has changed.

You had to go the the gun store to pick up your new gun you liked at the gun show? Oh my gosh.

Somebodies full auto m16's quadrupled in value overnight and have since quadrupled again?

Maybe I just don't see what hardship or combinations of hardships you claim are greater than a complete ban of firearms and the ban of any new desgns of those firearms. Help me out. anybody want an M249? too bad. What becomes of other future designs?

I stand by my statement. Reagan stabbed all the people in the back while they weren't looking and the few people that don't complain have a monetary vested interest in the status quo because if the registry was opened again they would have nothing but old guns.

It was the FIRST total ban of firearms and Reagan signed it. He was no friend to gun owners that's for sure. Now Fred Thompson is "almost" running for president and everyone has forgot or forgiven him for his part of the "Lautenberg Amendment" that has banned millions of citizens from even owning one firearm. Not me. He is no protector of the Constitution/BoR's and alot of his other votes show just that.

Republicans like these are no friend of the people and are as bad or worse than the dems that don't protect our basic rights because they hide behind a false front. At least we know where pelosi and lautenberg stand.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I have an idea!

Those who want to discuss Fred Thompson and why he might be a good candidate, stay right here.

Those of you who are advocates for Ron Paul, there is already a thread for you. It's here.

Those of you that advocate for Rudy McRomney, start your own thread. Same goes to those that wish to advocate for Hillary or Obama.

But if you folks want to continue to "invade" specific threads to denigrate whichever candidate.... Well, I can just as easily shut them all down and you can all find some other venue to discuss your candidates. (don't answer... I already know this would make many of you happy)

How's that for fair and impartial? :barf:

Marko? Dave? Does stumping for a presidential candidate qualify under the Forum description?... Oh yeah, there's that pesky "general political issues" in the description... sigh...

The above rant was sarcasm, for the humor impaired.


Moderator Emeritus
Joliet Jake,

So what was it like for you?


So you weren't there. Thought not.

You believe the absolute bullcrap that the the kiddies peddle these days; that everything was hunky-dory in the ol' gun rights world until Mean Ol' President Reagan came along and signed that nasty old machinegun ban.

I'm going to phrase this as gently as I can: With that post, you have handily disqualified yourself from further discussion of McClure-Volkmer, which is the only piece of pro-2nd Amendment legislation that has passed at the national level in my lifetime; the only federal legislation that has rolled back existing federal anti-gun laws, 11th hour Hughes Amendment notwithstanding.

You can't imagine what it was like before FOPA '86.


New member
A word to the wise... in 'off-year' elections, several gun boards I frequent get visited by what I like to call 'DNC plants”- although that terminology can apply to any party.

They arrive in late spring with the copperheads and mosquitoes, and like those other nuisances they disappear by the first snow- late November or so. They are moderately literate on firearms subject matter but if you check their posts regularly, you will find that their primary purpose is to sway the uninformed away from solid 2A legislators- and to represent known gun-controllers in a favorable light. “Kerry really IS a hunter!” or “Bush Tried to Ban Colt Single Actions in Texas” or something equally absurd.

We saw this phenomenon at XDTalk last year, and a good friend that mods a 1911 board reports similar traffic in the same season. Now you might think this is of no consequence, and that anyone who didn’t just fall off the turnip truck would automatically just [I[know[/I] better. But-keep in mind that they are going after first-time voters; folks who probably haven’t formed an opinion yet, based on verifiable fact.

Is this tactic effective?

I think that question is best answered with another question:

“How’d we do in the last election?”

So my advice is this- No matter what any politician or party sycophant says about a particular candidate, their defining earmarks are:

· How they have voted on 2A issues,

· Their public record of statements on 2A topics, and

· Where their campaign money is coming from.

That info is out there, folks. There is absolutely no excuse for letting your vote be influenced by “What invssgt said” or anyone else. Check it out, keep your ear to the ground and then make a decision based on your own common sense and values.

To do anything less is to throw away your vote…and we wouldn’t want to do THAT now would we?