Fred Thompson Replies to Michael Moore's Debate Challenge


New member
Yep. I saw that yesterday. Most impressive. And timely, too. One thing about it was that it was something that was done QUICKLY. This wasn't something that was massaged by political handlers, there wasn't enough time for that. This was real, unfiltered, Fred Thompson -- sounding decisive and, well, Presidential.


New member
Yep, the libs are awfully afraid of Thompson - and he has not even announced that he will run for President.

If Moore doesn't like Thompson, I'd be inclined to vote for Thompson, too. :D


New member

If Fred Thompson runs, they'll have to come up with a way to distinguish him from Tommy Thompson. But somehow a bumper sticker that says "Fred for Prez" or "Vote Fred" just doesn't sound... well, presidential. :D

If both Thompsons ended up on the ticket you'd have "Thompson & Thompson" -- sounds like a medical company. Or a well armed duo.

What about Thompson - Paul in 2008 bumper stickers?


New member
The cigar was a prop because Moore claimed that Thompson was having "boxes upon boxes" of Cuban cigars delivered to him. He even claimed that there should be a "felony investigation" for Thompson appearing with a cigar in the clip. What a maroon! Fat cigars are not Cuban-specific and can be purchased at various places.


New member
I simply don't think a fat weasel is worth talking about. I don't think anyone should engage him or engage about him.


New member
Are you referring to Thompson or Moore?

Maybe he's talking about Rush Limbaugh?

Also what's so impressive about the reply other than the dude using his acting skills? I'd call it impressive if he actually accepted the debate... but that's just me.

I dislike Michael Moore btw.

Mark B

New member
I googled Ncholas Guillen and couldn't find anything about Castro putting him in a mental institution. Who knows what kind of info might have been burried by the commies. What I did find was that Castro made him the minister of literature or something to that effect, can't remember. It was the Batista gov't that imprisoned him and killed his dad. I like Fred Thompson and dispise Micheal Moore. This Nicholas Guillen was a communist and Castro seemed to like him. I just hope Fred didn't mix up his regimes here.


New member
Also what's so impressive about the reply other than the dude using his acting skills?

What's so impressive is that Thompson just beat Michael Moore at his own game.

No facts, no nothing. Just some clever rhetoric, with time to edit and get everything right. No response needed. Same thing a Michael Moore does, but better, I think.


New member
Good prop... I hope it was a Cuban

but then Cuban cigars are over rated.. the embargo has to be one of the stupidest things we ever did. If we had stopped it 20 years ago... Cuba would be a democracy right now.
Also what's so impressive about the reply other than the dude using his acting skills?
So we're impressed that he weasaled out of an actual fair debate with the use of sarcasm and an ad hominen attack?
That was my feeling too. This is just an actor playing the part of a tough politician and alot of people seem to be falling for it. All he did was dodge a challenge and then give a little monologue. There is nothing at all impressive about it at all.

The same people that think this guy is impressive are the same people that think the things they see on Springer are real.


I'm thinking that we need to assign a new term or phrase to the phenomenon of people like him, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, Dr. Phil, etc., whose tactic for celebrity is to use direct attacks on people's weaknesses to embarass them, rather than actually offering advice in a tactful way which could help them come around and see the light on their weaknesses... this tactic makes the average listener get endorphins & seratonin released in his/her brain, and feel better about him/herself, by thinking "yeah, you dipstick, take that....whew, at least I'm not as bad as THAT caller." Even if they are as bad or worse. It's all just a big show for the listener/watcher, and has nothing to do with working towards a solution - only about gaining ratings and popularity through entertainment & making people feel superior to others. Church-Lady Syndrome? Maybe this is too much of a tangent for this thread...sorry.