Fred Thompson and CCW


New member
If this guy runs he will blow Guliani and any other RINO out in the primary and stand as a great opposition to the Dem nomination.

The big question that will determine the national election though is....Iraq. The Dem candiadte may be able to get through an election just saying "I am not Bush" when it comes to Iraq but the Rep candiadte MUST have a stated policy that will carry a majority of the nation. Without that policy the people will just assume it is the same as Bush and we will see a Dem landslide.


New member
The big question that will determine the national election though is....Iraq. The Dem candiadte may be able to get through an election just saying "I am not Bush" when it comes to Iraq but the Rep candiadte MUST have a stated policy that will carry a majority of the nation. Without that policy the people will just assume it is the same as Bush and we will see a Dem landslide.

Thompson's advantage here is that he was out of office prior to the war starting and thus doesn't have the "taint" of the situation that most on both sides of the aisle currently have.


New member
Coorect, he does not have the political liability of having been tied to one side or the other. He still needs to state which direction he would go.


Thompson's my guy; however, he recently discovered that he has lymphoma. I'd be pleasantly amazed if he makes the race.


New member
After reading that, I picked my jaw up off the floor and have shuffled Thompson up my short list with Ron Paul.:eek:


New member
he recently discovered that he has lymphoma

By way of a correction, he actually only recently came out that he had lymphoma, he knew he has had it for some time. I do fear that it will hurt his chances, though people did not seem to take John McCain's recurrent skin cancer, or Arlen Specter's Hodgkin's Disease, as severe blows to their political campaigns. (Though if I recall, Specter discovered it after his last election).

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
The more I read about Thompson, the more I like him.

While I may not agree with all of his views (and who does?), he is a solid conservative that I could vote FOR, instead of voting the lesser of evils.