

New member
I had a few issues of S.W.A.T. laying around my living room(between Shotgun News, American Handgunner and Bodyworker Monthly). A "drop-in" neighbor(one who is actively recruiting for the Religion De Jour, sat down, looked over at the mags and, I swear, jumped about an inch vertically! I tried to hold back the laughter, but had to run out of the room. My wife was getting some coffee...on her return to the scene of the crime, this "neighbor" was headed for the door. Slam! I was still chuckling when I wife cracked-up when she realized the reading material may have offended our guest's sensibilities!

S.W.A.T.=better than garlic!:rolleyes:

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Had the answer to door-to-door preachers all this time and didn't even realize it!

"Can I give you a copy of our magazine?"

"Sure. Here's a copy of ours!"


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Bodyworker Monthly, huh? Do I want to know what that one is?

I'm guessing either bodybuilders or morticians. :D