Frankford IntelliDropper -- Quick Overview


New member

I decided to go ahead and do a quick overview of the New Frankford IntelliDropper. I only published this because a few friends asked me for the video. I did not do a complete review demonstrating every single feature, I am exchanging emails with Frankford asking if the drifting that I am seeing is normal behavior.

The Bluetooth setup with your phone is really easy and very convenient. The Bluetooth feature I am most interested in is the firmware upgrade service. It seems Frankford is planning to continue to evolve this product with future software upgrades. This unit can be fully operated from your mobile phone. It has a ton of data already imported on the app, powder manufacturers, bullet manufacturers and primer manufacturers. This makes it very easy to load your favorite load and send it to the intellihopper in a matter of seconds.

The screen is bright and wide and very easy to use, something I thought the RCBS chargemaster was missing.

The bubble level also adds a nice little touch.

The Intelli dropper comes with a feature called powder calibration, this feature is supposed to provide the best speed and accuracy dependent up the powder loaded into the intellihopper.

The powder drain is like all others; it is on the side of the unit and must be sitting on the edge of the bench to empty easily.

The comparison to my RCBS chargemaster is a bit unfair as it has been reprogrammed for speed, but the Frankford out of the box keeps up. I believe the Frankford may be faster than an out of the box Chargemaster. I am only speculating but this may be because of the powder calibration feature.

Check back for a comparison against the Lyman Generation 6. This is in the same price range where the RCBS chargemaster is approaching twice the cost.

For those with the Hornady and Lyman units how does the IntelliDroipper Compare?


New member
While informative, and i do thank you for the reveiw, i'm somewhat at a loss.

I have no clue as to a reason anyone would need a bluetooh connection to their powder trickler and their cell phone.
Perhaps i'm a more hands on person.
Perhaps i just don't trust electronics to do my powder measuring.
More an if it can fail, it will.


New member
If it doesn't work with your mobile phone it won't appeal to the millennials LOL, I guess that is being mean.

I think what Frankford planned is actually allowing your phone with greater memory and capacity be the load manual. The rcbs chargemaster stores a lot of your favorite reloads. The frankford seems to be unlimited on the number of loads it can save and with the easy touch of a button your scale can be programmed to start throwing your favorite load. It is cheaper to develop software to do this than to add hardware and memory to something like the rcbs. That's why the RCBS chargemaster is so expensive.
If the scale is drifting appreciably, it's not doing any better than a number of less expensive scales (though I've had one expensive one that drifted some, too). My guess is that, like other scales, some will drift more than others, and what you get is a matter of luck of the draw.


New member

The amount of drift may also be dependent upon the amount of warm up that the scale has been given before attempting to calibrate it.

The Lyman apparently has a timer that counts off the warm-up time, at least my buddy who has one tells me it does.
After I experienced some drifting after impatiently turning my Charge Master 1500 on and calibrating it, I started to let my Charge Master warm up for about 15 minutes before I calibrate it.
I just turn the unit on before I set up my dies and load the powder into the dispenser so I'm not tempted to get impatient.
I haven't noticed any drifting since I started letting the scale warm up before I calibrate it.

I've loaded over 45,000 rounds with that trickler/scale unit.
I notice that on high humidity days, some of the large pellet powders clump up a bit on the last tenth of a grain burst.
With the intermediate pellet sized powders or smaller, it dispenses beautifully.


New member
In the manual for all of these it says wait 15 minutes. In this video these scales were calibrated at 15minutes, 35 minutes, 48minutes and 1 hours. The video would have been to long for me to show all of it.


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Can you program sequentially incremental charges? For example, if i was doing load development and wanted charges in weights for 1 round each beginning at 40gr and .2 grain increments up to 42 gr can you program that into the phone?


New member
I believe this is something you have to do manually, I know it is on the RCBS Chargemaster. I will try it with my phone on the Frankford Arsenal and let you know.


New member
I noticed in your review you mentioned you did not have a hornady Auto charge to compare it against. FWIW I have been using one for years and it does not drift.


New member
Uh oh folks I turned this thing on this morning and let it sit for an hour and the touch pad is not working at all. I can control it from my phone though. UPDATE this unit is going back.


New member
That said, I have had and still do digital scales (auto as well) and they all drift off eventually not matter how long you have them plugged in.

You just watch your negative with (call it -145 grains for my scales though that varies)

a tench above or below is still accurate.

two tenths is iffy and 3/10 means they are no long dispensing to 1/10 accuracy.

Simply watch it and Zero the scale when you see it going off.

The Lyman Gen 6 is consistent. The Hornady I have will jump around so I use my Lyman 2000 as a cross check (for both but more the H). It does not slow me down, the Lyman 2000 has its own pan I pour the powder into and the pan goes back on the H and away it goes while I assess what I have - over a bit and I take grains out, under it goes back into the hopper)

The Hornady is more accurate when its weight right, to the tenth.

The Gen 6 is off +/- a tenth to spot on.

The Frankfurt looks like it has a better touch screen than the Gen 6 (I got a stylus as my fat fingers had a problem with the screen)

The Lyman takes less setting up (none). Hornady you have to put the Tune number in it each time and it will not hold those tune numbers when you move to the next charger.

The Lyman 2000 has been spot on steady accuracy though I have the pan weight listed on the pan and I check to make sure the negative number matches.


New member
I wanted to come back to let everyone know Frankford Arsenal mad this right and I am impressed with the unit and the support. Maybe another video is worthy.


New member
I don't want any reloading tool that needs a cell phone , blue teeth and wye-fye to operate it with..... I'll pass .