Fox News

Jeff Thomas

New member
We don't receive Fox News on our local cable. They tell me they are 'in negotiations' to add this service. I've told my cable company that I'll switch to satellite on September 1 if I can't get Fox News.

I had seen some favorable comments here at TFL regarding Fox News, and on a recent trip to CA I had a chance to watch it. I was impressed. They actually ran a program about private property rights. Private property rights? I don't think the reporters at CNN are familiar with this concept. I wasn't simply impressed ... I was amazed.

Was my initial impression correct? Is this network as good as I've heard? I would like to find a news station that goes beyond the BS, reports facts, not propraganda ... I think you understand my perspective.

What do you think?

Thanks. Regards from AZ

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
FOX is not afraid to speak there mind. They say whatever the heck they want.
No political agenda gives them more freedom over NBCBSABC - dang - cant tell them apart anymore. WB has some "interesting" news casting as well.


New member
They were (may still be) using the tagline: "We report. You decide."

What a novel approach for journalism in the post-modern USA!


New member
Since I got a dish, fox news is on 95% of the time. They report the news in the most unusual way. The news anchors seem like they actually enjoy presenting the news. Bill O'rielly is just great. Sometimes I love the guy and sometimes I want to turn off the set. It is just his way of showing the news blanced. The show Hannity and Colmes is great b/c Alan Colmes who represents the left is no match for Sean Hannity. I always laugh when Qannel X gets on about "killing whitey" and poor Alan Colmes has to help defend him. There viewership is growing and CNN is declining.

Screw your cable company get a dish. After you get it you'll be kicking yourself for not getting it sooner.

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

--Ayn Rand, in "The Nature of Government"


TV without FOX means TV without The Simpsons! EWWWWWW!


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hoosierboy:
Since I got a dish, fox news is on 95% of the time. They report the news in the most unusual way. The news anchors seem like they actually enjoy presenting the news. Bill O'rielly is just great. Sometimes I love the guy and sometimes I want to turn off the set. It is just his way of showing the news blanced. The show Hannity and Colmes is great b/c Alan Colmes who represents the left is no match for Sean Hannity. I always laugh when Qannel X gets on about "killing whitey" and poor Alan Colmes has to help defend him. There viewership is growing and CNN is declining.[/quote]

Yeah uncle who is worthless for anything else at least got me intored to Fox I watch tv a bit more than before! :p

Satanta, the Whitebear
Sat's Realm:

My Disability petition:


New member
Fox is the only news channel I watch regurarly. Never miss O'Rielly, and in the mornings it's Fox and Friends. E.D. really gets me going in the morning!


New member
A letter to FOX, sorry for being the spokesman...

I represent the almost collective opinion of the posters of a bulletin board service We are a group of roughly 7000 people dedicated to the preservation of the 2nd Amendment. While the rest of the media has branded us racists (that "All men are created equal" stuff really disturbs the NYTimes) or wife beaters or paranoid or Southern Bumpkins, most of us really do believe in the promises and the proviso's of the Constitution and the responsibilities of freedom. I would, speaking for the group would like to thank you for not completely editorializing every piece of AP coming across your desks. We TFL'ers are a fairly diverse cross section of the population, from garbage men to doctors, and we mostly enjoy your newscasts for your mostly, repeat, mostly unbiased approach to reporting the news. Thank you for recognizing the other side to the "common sense" approach.

Dan Huben

[This message has been edited by hube1236 (edited August 01, 2000).]


New member
They are better than most, but far from perfect.

I watched the entire broadcast last night, and nothing wonderful was reported. I was upset that when they reported on the protesters in Philadelphia who were blocking off streets, they completely failed to report what they were protesting against.

If TSHTF, you can expect them to portray patriots in a similar light.


New member
Fox News is my favorite. I hope it eventually becomes the power the rating seem to indicate they are heading toward.


New member
FoxNews is better than the rest, but that isn't saying much. I gave up on FoxNews several months ago after enduring months of O'Reilly and Shepard Smith and Shawn Hannity making statements that gave the impression that widespread gun ownership was inappropriate and kids having guns was more so (never mind that many of us learned to shoot responsibly by age 12). Evenings were the only time I could watch TV and FoxNew's programming got real old. Hannity & Colmes often devolved into a shouting food fight. Catherine Crier's "Crier Report" was the last well-balanced program they had but she left about a year ago. I found Foxnews increasingly pursuing the sensationalist market which makes for higher ratings but is losing the discriminating, intelligent, educated, critical-thinking type
viewer. Ever since the overkill of Columbine and JFK Jr., Foxnews has gone down hill into the swamp of soap-opera and tabloid "journalism". But finally I gave up because I get far more balanced and better news via the internet.

Tom B

New member
FOX news is the most unbiased of all national news services IMO. I was really surprised with the way they handled the Elian fiasco.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikul:
They are better than most, but far from perfect.[/quote]


Fox news is the most gun-friendly mainstream media there is at the moment. The least biased too.

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!