Fox news sort of blasts trigger locks!


New member
On Tony Snow's show they had John Lott on and a nice story about gun locks being more dangerous than not. They will repeat the story on the Fox Report (on now).


New member
Caught part of the report on Snow's program. I need to see the whole thing before I comment.

However, during the roundtable discussion on Snow's show, I had to cringe when both he and Fred Barnes referred to two guns and a knife as an "arsenal." :barf: Methinks a note of reprimand is in order.


New member
They ARE more dangerous than not. Sad things are, that's news, and sometimes gun locks are a good idea -- like when you have to leave a gun in your car....


New member
Papercut, You're right. I will write to Mr. Snow about it.

Blackhawk, You need to see the story for the context. But you too are right.


New member
I just saw the piece. Its value is it annouced the existence of an academic study by a reputable statistician analyzing recent data which indicates safe storage laws have the opposite of their stated intent.

Without FOX playing the piece the vast majority of the audience would not have heard of an alternative view. They would have heard of all the new laws designed to store guns "safely."

FOX did have the obligatory counter position to the story. I forget the anti group but the guy's comments were a screed designed to destroy Lott's credibility. At least the piece was not written around the screed.

FOX did a service just by playing the piece.


New member
This is what gets me the most, what the hell does anti know about gun safety? These people got blood on their hands. What worst is that the new Integrated Locking System (ILS) will probably kill a lot of people.


New member
orlando5 pointed out:
What worst is that the new Integrated Locking System (ILS) will probably kill a lot of people.

I've already decided that any gun I buy that has an integrated lock will have it's lock superglued in the "unlocked"position.

Of course, I my purchase preferences have switched to guns without that in the first place.


New member
From their webpage:,2933,57051,00.html

SEATTLE, Wash. — Trigger locks and gun safes don't reduce the number of gun accidents, and they actually put gun owners and their families in greater danger, a new report says.

"What happens is it makes them more vulnerable to crime," said John R. Lott, Jr., a University of Chicago Law School professor who has published the study Safe-Storage Gun Laws: Accidental Deaths, Suicide and Crime. "Criminals become more emboldened to attack people in their home."

Lott cited a Merced, Calif. family whose guns were put away because of the state's safe storage law. John Carpenter, who lost two children in an attack in 2000, said a gun would have stopped the man who broke into his home with a pitchfork.

"If a gun had been here, today I'd have at least a daughter alive," Carpenter said.

For several years, gun control advocates have been quoting a study that reached a very different conclusion. University of Washington doctors claimed that in a dozen states which had safe storage laws, 39 children's lives were saved.

But the study has been widely discredited because the researchers never factored in that accidental gun deaths have been falling everywhere for decades.

Nevertheless, 18 states have passed safe storage laws. Lobbyists who fight for the legislation call Lott's research nonsense.

"He's argued after the tragedy at Jonesboro, Ark., the school shooting, that if the teachers had been armed, they could have prevented the shooting. This is an extremist, someone who believes that everyone in society should be armed at all times," said Matt Bennett, a spokesman for Americans for Gun Safety Foundation.

But Lott counters that the number of gun accidents among law-abiding citizens is remarkably low given that about 90 million Americans own firearms. Far more children die each year from drowning and poisons.

And when tragedy does strike, Lott said, it usually happens in a home where there is a criminal history.

"You're having these law abiding households lock up these guns where the risks of accidental gun deaths is essentially zero," he said.

Still, gun locks enjoy wide support. President Bush has said that if Congress passed a bill requiring them, he would sign it. But this latest study provides opponents with a new weapon in their arsenal.


New member
President Bush has said that if Congress passed a bill requiring them, he would sign it.
Does anyone have a source as to the exact quote and context of what Bush said? I don't doubt that he said it, I would just like to be able to tell people where I got it from when I quote it.


New member
I don't recall Bush making the statement.

That said, the joker carefully laid out the provision of campaign finance control that congress must include in any reform measure. He said he would veto anything not meeting his requirements.

Weeeeellllllllll, congress gave him nothing of what he asked for and he signed it just the same.

Based on Dubya's track record I think he will cave.


New member
About, John R. Lott, Jr.
This is an extremist, someone who believes that everyone in society should be armed at all times

This is a man after my own heart! :cool:

Not that it is possible, but I really like this guy.

Lott cited a Merced, Calif. family whose guns were put away because of the state's safe storage law. John Carpenter, who lost two children in an attack in 2000, said a gun would have stopped the man who broke into his home with a pitchfork.

I have been wondering when and how this event would come up in the national gun control debate.

The persons that passed this law in the PRK need to be held personally accountable for this event. They should be charged for acc. to murder.