Fox news on Starbucks


New member,2933,587938,00.html

I love this picture! What kind of gun is it though?

Just wanted to add this. I'm not interested in a discussion about the article. I believe we have two or three threads on the topic already. I just am curious about the pistol. Is that a 1911, what brand? I don't know enough to identify one yet.
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New member
Myself, I'm all for it. Matter of fact, though I do not frequent Starbucks, I'm considering getting a cup of Joe from them simply because they aren't banning guns.

However, I have to wonder, does this display hurt our progress with antis? Again, I'm all for it, and I OC sometimes myself, but a few pistols in holsters, drawing quite a few people with signs to protest... Just wonder if it is doing more bad than good.

I'll still be carrying into Starbucks when I go, not sure weather openly or hidden. Probably open, at least on April 20th.


Active member
love this picture! What kind of gun is it though?

The gun in the poster is a very unique pistol. It is a double-barreled semi-automatic handgun that was specifically designed for the new "cop-only killer" bullets. It's magazine holds 30 deadly rounds, but is cloaked to look like a revolver pistol grip which would ordinarily hold no ammo. It was designed to fire two bullets simultaneously out of each barrel. As you can see from the picture, it employs the propriatary "two-piece slide" that recoils in opposite directions so as to feed two cartridges into the two barrels simultaneously. Normally, this would be considered an illegal machinegun, but the "powerful gun lobby" twisted BATFE's arm into permitting this very special exception. A little further research shows that this weapon was developed through a joint venture of PETA and Amnisty International.


New member
Skans, I knew it was something like that!! It looked to me like the recoil would be hard to control. Have you ever fired one?


New member
I just asked the guy in the picture what it was he was carrying. Its a Colt 1911. He's a Moderator on

The Tourist

Skans, if you're going to report history, tell the whole story!

Before Wall Street fell, it was actually bankers and loan specialists who smuggled the pistols here from the Mexican Cartel.

Fortunately when Obama finally got hold of this country, the tide of these weapons of death was stemmed.

Having said that, it looks like a garden cariety Colt Commander to me. With the color of the finish, I'd say the one with the aluminum frame.


New member
"can of worms" come on do we really need open carry ? Just take a deep breath and think about it, do we really. For one thing I don't know what it proves to have your gun strapped to your side in plain view. After all it's not the 1800s, or are we still playing "cowboys" :rolleyes:
Was listening to Fox news yesterday, and while discussing the matter,
their legal expert (Judge Napolitano), when asked if Starbucks COULD
legally ban guns, said they could not. He said it would be denying somebody
their fundamental rights, akin to banning them from expressing their
political opinions. IMO, this calls into question the laws in states that allow no gun posting signs.
Based on his responses in several previous
interviews, this Judge is a strong supporter of unrestricted 2nd Amendment
rights. Our kinda guy!!
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New member
Read an article, I forgot where, about the Starbucks thing and the reported said the person she interviewed was wearing a .45 automatic pistol. This, my friends, is where the root of the evil stems from....the uneducated press.

Doc Intrepid

New member
The uneducated and or hostile media is a definite problem, but my thoughts go along with those of grumpybutt.

Open carry accomplishes very little except to work anti-gunners into a frenzied hysteria, with their thin little wrists waving in the air and their high, piping little voices screeching in indignation.

As a political strategy, it sucks. It's the kind of thing that makes town councils, boards of directors, and political representatives on both sides of the issue uneasy, and thats a dumb way to try to accomplish legal and societal pro-carry objectives.

But if all you want to do is bait the anti's,...have at it.

Uncle Buck

New member
Doc/Grumpy: I have opened carried in town, as recently as last week. I finished the chores at the farm and remembered my wife said I needed to get the oil changed.

I headed to town and it was not until I got to Arby's (I love them mocha shakes!) that I realized I still had my pistol strapped on. I drove over to Jiffy Lube and before I got out of the truck I informed the guy I was wearing a pistol. He laughed and said no problem, have a seat in the waiting area. I walked in, said hello to the manager and the one other person there and began to read the newspaper.

The only reaction I got was after they finished the truck, then they all wanted to know what it was and how often I shot it. Found out that a few of them CC.

I have no cows right now, but I do have goats (Does that make me a goat-boy? Please do not tell me I have to change my name to goat-boy! :eek:) and poultry and a wild animal problem. The gun is a tool I use while I am at the farm and sometimes I actually forget I am wearing it.

However, I have to wonder, does this display hurt our progress with antis?

If there are no incidents and people are just enjoying their coffee, I do not see how it would affect us negatively. Sometimes just observing something helps people get over their nervousness. It is also an opportunity to talk with people who have never seen someone open carry.

Like anything, if handled correctly, it could be very educational. Handled wrong, it could be a blow to open carry.

Doc Intrepid

New member
Uncle Buck,

Your post is probably an excellent illustration of how different circumstances can cause the same act to be either a 'no never mind' or an incident that winds up with demonstrators chanting and waving signs.

In the first place you work on a farm in west central Missouri, you are not some suburbanite in west central L.A.

In the second place, you finished your chores and went to town to get an oil change and essentially forgot that you had your pistol on -- which is different from deliberately wandering around an urban environment with an unloaded firearm to make a political point, complete with tri-fold 4 color handouts to give to those you may engage in conversation.

Your situation presents as a rural guy in a rural area who had no intentions of raising anyone's political consciousness at the Jiffy Lube. I would also venture to guess that there are fewer drive-bys and gangs in rural Missouri than in west central L.A., but I could be mistaken.

Big difference between a rural guy off the farm getting an oil change in Missouri, and someone deliberately causing a scene in a high-density urban area to make a point.



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Active member
I wonder how folks would feel if If the picture at the starbucks had 5 urban youths sitting around a table sipping lattes with holstered gold and chrome Deagles? Just something to think about.


New member
Good point Skans. An older guy, especially with 5 year old daughter in hand (saw that in one picture of OC at Starbucks) looks much different than me, 23 year old with a tactical holster. The tactical holster is my hiking holster, but it is the only one I have with level two retention besides my shoulder holsters.

I'm clean cut, and I certainly do not dress like a slob, but I present a very different image than the dad with his daughter.


New member
Skans said:
I wonder how folks would feel if If the picture at the starbucks had 5 urban youths sitting around a table sipping lattes with holstered gold and chrome Deagles? Just something to think about.

Not much different than a law-abiding citizen legally carrying a holstered handgun. We're all the same in the eyes of the misinformed.

Uncle Buck

New member

Your right, Location is a big part of it. When we have an armed robbery or a drive by shooting (not very often) it makes the paper on the front page, big headlines and quotes from anyone they can get. :D

In the Kansas City Star, a drive by or armed robbery usually ends up on page four of the second or third part of the newspaper... No big deal.

When people around here see a gun, they think hunter. In the city, they think cop or criminal, there does not seem to be much in between.


New member
"When people around here see a gun, they think hunter. In the city, they think cop or criminal, there does not seem to be much in between."

...and that's one of the goals of the OC movement: Desensitize such people to seeing guns being (legally) carried by decent citizens without freaking out, fainting, or hiding under the nearest table with their cell-phones making hysterical MWAG calls.

-- John D.