Fox News goes to Gunsite Academy


New member
Fox News reporter Katie Pavlich went to Gunsite for a week-long training session. The report from her experience is here: VIDEO LINK

It was an overall good report and covered the full range of defensive firearms use with interviews with students and the owner.

It did not cover the costs involved for the course which would have been informative.

She went through the entire course with various long and short firearms and interior and exterior scenarios. Gave a good insight into the course.


New member
I don't have the money or the time to get to Gunsite, but does anyone know what the deal is with those goofy targets they were shooting at, the ones that look ? What's the theory and practical use for them?

As an aside... I would be lying if I said my heart didn't skip a beat every time I saw Katie Pavlich. :eek:


New member
I'm not 100% sure, but I think they're supposed to break up the outline of the "scoring rings" so that you're not using them as a reference, and instead truly shooting "center mass."

Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)

Also, I will go to Gunsite one day. It's only a 3-4 hour drive from where I am. I just need the time/money. Eventually...


New member
Yes, that is a nice story and who wouldn’t want to spend a week out there. I wish stories like this could get some more main stream exposure since I doubt many anti-gun types watch much Hannity.


New member
Sadly, that won't happen with the way the current administration works and how current MSM, views gun owners let alone the topic of guns in general (FOX is the very rare exception to this or so it seems)

Great stuff, usually a real treat to find something like this being put up in the news, a major new provider no less (Then again, it's Fox, kind of to be expected)

Frank Ettin

Great story, and Gunsite is well worth the time and the money. I've been three times.

Gaerek said:
...I'm not 100% sure, but I think they're supposed to break up the outline of the "scoring rings" so that you're not using them as a reference, and instead truly shooting "center mass."...


New member
Good honest report. I like Katie's response to the AR not being useful.

Only thing different I would like to have seen is Katie, being petite, comparing Uncle Joe's shot gun to the AR for ease of use.