FOX News Finally interviewed a gun shop owner...


New member
Just saw an interview on Fox News with a MD gun shop owner who finally set straight a lot of the misinformation being reported. He seemed to give good info. It was a very refreshing change from the usual absolute garbage from the so called "experts" so far.

Anyone else see this? What did you think?


New member
Smart gunshop owners and an unbiased network helps us....
Nothing irritates me more than those gunshop owners for whom TV cameras seem to inspire a curious personality change. They turn from being mild mannered,rational, small business owners into black trenchcoated,gleeful proprietors, willing to trot out every black rifle or SKS that they own and tout it's "incredible killing potential", mindless of the fact that they're driving another nail in the coffin of our rights by frightening the average non-gunowner.


New member
A MD gun shop owner? That MUST be an endangered species.

Didn't see it, maybe on a rerun later today.

Thanks for the heads up....


New member
I saw it

I wasn't too impressed, though. He said that the shots so far were "not impossible." Gee, ya think? He also said something along the lines of the .223 being good only out to 400yds.


New member
He also said that the BATF had pulled the records of all .223 sales for the last several years in order to contact the buyers. I wonder what they will do with the lists once the owners are cleared?


New member
There were some questionable statements, I agree. (I only caught the last few minutes) But, the info about real snipers usually using a larger caliber, (.308 etc.) was good. And he said some pretty good stuff about how the Brady bunch is using this incident in a disgusting manner to further their agenda.

Not the usual things you hear on the news.


New member
Well, at least Fox interviewed somebody interesting. MSNBC asked a former FBI agent for advice, and he went into like a 10 minute tip session on how to fill up your gas tank (constantly move, put the car between you and any hiding spots, dont walk in a straight line to pay, pay at the pump if you can, etc etc) :rolleyes:


Joe Portale

New member
This is slightly off the topic, but I think I know where the MD gunshop owner was coming from. The nutcase shooter is using mil-surp ammo or ammo that was made to mimic 5.56 NATO. At one news conference, I remember hearing that the bullet broke apart into three pieces, creating three seperate areas of physical damage. That is what the military ammo is suppose to do on a good day. Now, for the NATO 5.56 to do this, it must have a velocity of at least 3000 fps to fragment properly. So, using my handy-dandy ballistic info, a 5.56 running at 3200 at the muzzle from a 20" barrel, pretty much drops velocity to around 2800 fps @ 400 yards. Still lethal, but will (supposedly) not fall apart at that range.
Joe, not bad logic but you forgot some key features in your ballistic analysis. You have no way of controlling what the bullets hit and what they hit can definitely affect their fragmentation rate. Plus, you are comparing against ballistic gellatin results, right? You are also assuming the barrel's length and that may not be correct either.


New member
Havn't seen it yet, but I'll be watching. Anyone catch the name of the shop or owner?

Guess I'll be waiting for the knock on my door or the 'no-knock' if they're pulling records.

Joe Portale

New member
Double Naught Spy,

yep. I did assume based on mil-surp ammo, and a standard rifle length barrel. My assumption about the fragmentation is based on the idea that a round intended for hunting game wants as much expansion with mass retention as possible. A solid bullet probably would have passed right through without out tearing itself up too much, even if it hit bone. It is when the cop or someone said at the news conference three wound channels made me sit up. Hey, we are all guessing this one.

I'm still betting that this creep is an armchair commando using the mil-surp stuff because it extends his power to bring his miloitary prowess to bear.


New member

You've got the right idea, but your velocities are a bit high... Since I'm too lazy to do it right now, go to Google and search for AR-15 Ammo FAQ's and you'll get a HUGE breakdown of the 5.56 and it's potential for fragmentation at various velocities. I think 2700 is the baseline for consistent fragmentation, and anything under 2500 can't be counted on to fragment at all. And yes, it does depend on what else it may hit on the way through as well.

I tell you one thing that is PI$$ing me off about Fox news right now... They keep showing their footage of the "potential weapons" and the accompanying bullet comparison, and they keep zooming in and ending the footage on what looks to be AT LEAST a .243, if not bigger... I'm no expert on hunting calibers, so I'm not sure what it is, but it AIN'T no .223/5.56! This is adding fuel to the ridiculous RUMOR that the .223 is a "High Powered" cartridge.


New member
The gun shop owner sounded like a fool. He made a number of incorrect statements. He was as full of misinformation as the ATF, police, and the usual TV pundits. Unfortunately many gun shop people are not experts they just play them on TV. I happen to live a mile from the gas station killing in Kensington. The next day I needed gas and was looking across the street from the Sunoco station at the Shell station were a woman was killed. It was a strange feeling to be so exposed standing there. All the Montgomery County shootings were within 3 miles of me. He could be a neighbor.


New member
The NRA is right in their back yard. Why don't they trot over there to interview somebody. God forbid! The NRA?

They keep records in Maryland?


New member
On the local fox affiliate I actually heard a reporter say "guns don't kill people, people do". Of course this was after the "high powered assault hunting rifle" comments. We had better get ready for another assault on the 2nd.