Fox News Changes Course Backs Gun Rights

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Alabama Shooter

New member
Poll results independently orderd by FNC are in that show people favor more guns over gun bans by a two to one margin. Lots of other interesting resullts too. Apparently most are not interested in more gun control. The cynic in me says a lot but on the plus side there are nearly a dozen pro gun articles over there which no other MSM would dare publish.

Here is the poll and a few of the articles:
The above article is really good.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Alabama Shooter,

I am looking for the theme stated in your thread title, that FOX has changed their position on gun control: "Fox News Changes Course Backs Gun Rights".

I don't see it.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Well, that helps.

However, Juan Williams' position is not exactly a FOX News sponsored political position. Most regular viewers of FOX, know that Williams was rescued by FOX from his dumping (firing) by NPR. He is still a proponent of the other side of the political aisle and freely admits it.

Anyway, as long as there is some continuity to the story line to which you refer in your title, we can now follow your topic.


[ETA: Okay, you posted that last while I was posting. I'm scratching my head over that article. I fail to see how it supports your assertion.]
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Maybe you missed the Juan Williams article I posted Monday supporting the president saying that he had the right to ban firearms through EOs.
I'm on staff, and I don't clearly recall that one either. When starting a new thread, it's a good idea to give it context on its own.

We have no indication that Williams represents the overall opinion of Fox News. Sometimes, writers run counter the general beliefs of the editorial board.

In any case, Williams' article has some glaring factual errors.

Alabama Shooter

New member
"Factual errors"

Ya think?

I think the CEO is privately in favor of more as noted as a possibility in the NY article but is willing to support more public rights as part of a greater agenda. Compare this to the rest of the media where it seems the exact opposite is the idea.

They want more for themselves but less for everyone else. Kind of ironic really.


New member
While Juan Williams is kinda expected to hold the anti-gun line I was surprised at the lack of 2nd amendment support many of their other contributors showed in the beginning including Bill O'Reilly. I don't have specific links but when it all started many at Fox News were fence sitting while leaning towards the left on this issue. IMO they definitely showed their "big city" stripes and ignorance on this issue. The only one on Fox that steadily held the line against semi and highcap mag bans was Hannity.

By the turn around that I've noticed in the last week, I'm not the only one who felt this way and someone put a bug in their ear.


New member
While Juan Williams is kinda expected to hold the anti-gun line I was surprised at the lack of 2nd amendment support many of their other contributors showed in the beginning including Bill O'Reilly. I don't have specific links but when it all started many at Fox News were fence sitting while leaning towards the left on this issue. IMO they definitely showed their "big city" stripes and ignorance on this issue. The only one on Fox that steadily held the line against semi and highcap mag bans was Hannity.

By the turn around that I've noticed in the last week, I'm not the only one who felt this way and someone put a bug in their ear.

Shows how fragile our rights are. I heard the same thing on conservative talk radio for a week after the tragedy. Now the same hosts are saying the exact opposite with regard to ARs and high cap mags. Sickening.

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New member
I was watching O'Reilly when he states registration and ban on 30 rd mags is "reasonable". Really? Hannity is the one pushing for our rights. O'Reilly is just another RINO out for his own ratings. Thanks a lot Bill.....


Active member
Guys, just look at what is going on in gun stores across this nation - more people than ever are buying guns. The number of gun owners are increasing at a very fast rate. Gun stores and manufactures can't keep up with demand, and this has been going on since the election. Whether we like it or not, it is now becoming "cool" to own a gun.

I really don't know where this is going to go or end up - but the demographics are rapidly changing in our favor.


New member
Have to remember that Williams, Hannity and O'Reilly types are not reporters or representative of what FOX as a whole believes. They are for the most part opinion columnist/entertainers. So these are their opinions. Williams is the token liberal on FOX just like Buchanan was the token conservative on MSNBC.


New member
O'Reilly has always been for gun control. I don't listen to him anymore but I can't recall him ever speaking up for any gun rights except the proverbial duck hunter.

Fox is hosted in NYC so I would not be surprised if many on their staff are brainwashed and ignorant about guns and gun owners.

Fox seems to have taken a left turn of sorts a few years ago. More and more liberal opinions to "balance" rather than just seeking the truth and facts.

Events and issues such as these reveal who the friends of liberty and truth are, and are not. Short list of public friends but a mile long line of gun owners voting with their wallets.


New member
O'Reilly is from Boston, which is a historically anti area, and works in NYC.

Should we really be surprised that a media type from an anti area, in an anti area, a member of a profession that is often anti, might be an anti?

I realize there are pro-gun folks in Boston and NYC, but they are either a minority, or they are woefully ineffective voters.

Edit: Both sides of my family were from the Boston area, so I have some idea what I am talking about, and I am not just bashing. Pervasive environments influence thought.


New member
And our good friend Geraldo "let's go live and say where we are while Iraq still has cable" Rivera is no friend to the 2nd Amendment either and is a Fox News anchor.
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