[FOX] Got Some Extra Guns?


New member
How is it that Nancy-freaking-Hwa gets quoted at length in just about every article that touches this subject? What qualifies her as being able to even open her yap about firearms and constitutional issues???

- Gabe

Got Some Extra Guns?

Friday, September 20, 2002
By Liza Porteus

NEW YORK — An Arizona mayor's proposal for disposing of confiscated guns has touched off a debate on ownership rules and the redistribution of weapons back into society.

Mesa, Ariz. Mayor Keno Hawker has proposed that the city sell confiscated firearms to gun dealers via auctions. Handguns, rifles and other impounded guns would be auctioned to licensed dealers. Guns valued at less than $100 would be destroyed.

"It gives an opportunity for law-abiding citizens to hopefully purchase firearms at a lower price and I see nothing wrong with law-abiding citizens owning firearms," said Maria Heil, spokeswoman for the gun rights group, Second Amendment Sisters.

But while the mayor may have gun rights groups and some new city council members on his side, critics, including Hawker's own deputy, say the ethical and legal dilemmas are too large to overlook.

"I still think the philosophical issue is an important one and the liability issue is one that people cannot ignore," said Mesa Vice Mayor Dennis Kavanaugh. "I think it’s just the wrong message."

In 1998, the City Council got rid of an ordinance that allowed exactly what Hawker is promoting and instead created options for town police to give confiscated weapons to other law enforcement agencies or to museums if they have any cultural or historical significance.

But this past spring’s elections brought in several new city council members who have warmed to the auction option. They have asked the city staff to review liability issues to consider bringing back the old practice.

According to federal law, no legal impediments exist to re-selling confiscated firearms as long as a licensed dealer is involved.

"There’s certainly nothing wrong with it by federal law," said Jim Crandall, a spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, but, he added, the re-sale of weapons by cities could create problems.

"It becomes a symbolic act and philosophical problems come up," he said, for instance, if a gun sold by the city is later used in a crime.

Police often are hesitant for that very reason. They fear that selling guns to dealers means the guns could turn back up in the hands of criminals.

"They don’t like to have to do it in case the gun ends up back on the streets, ends up being used against one of their own and also I think because victims of these guns wouldn’t want to see them back on the street," said Nancy Hwa, spokeswoman for The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Still, financial incentives may be too strong to ignore.

Although Mesa’s last gun auction, held in 1997, only brought in about $32,000, many cities may look to this option -- instead of destroying the guns -- as a way to give their beleaguered budgets a boost, especially when destroying guns costs money.

"This is actually a prevalent practice, selling back illegal firearms to make money for the city," said Kelly Whitley, spokeswoman for the National Rifle Administration.

That way, local police "can have the latest and greatest, which helps defray costs to cities," Heil said. "It’s definitely better than destroying them."

But budget constraints shouldn't be the sole criterion, Hwa cautioned.

"We understand they do have budget constraints they’re all working under and we think it’s a shame they have to resort to doing that," Hwa said.

Kavanaugh said that he and other city officials opposing the auction idea are being targeted by pro-gun groups as being "anti-Second Amendment," referring to the constitutional amendment giving Americans the right to bear arms.

But Kavanaugh said his position "is not anti-Second Amendment or anti-self-defense or anything like that." He said he just thinks there are plenty other legitimate avenues people can take if they want to purchase a gun.

Kavanaugh may not find much solace with one route currently available to buyers and sellers. Web sites such as www.gunshowauction.com and www.gunbroker.com, which are similar to online auction site e-Bay, act as a go-between for buyers and sellers.

People post ads for guns they want to sell on the Web site. Potential buyers locate a licensed dealer in his or her home state.

Similar to live auctions, in the online auction market, the gun gets shipped to the dealer, who does the paperwork and background check, then transfers ownership to the buyer. And carrier services that deliver the guns – UPS and Fed Ex – won’t even ship the guns without copies of the dealer’s license.

"The system is very safe," said Steve Urvin CEO of GB Holdings, Inc., which runs www.gunbroker.com. There’s a "misconception you can just go and order a gun and have it show up in a brown box on your front door. It doesn’t work like that."


Last election cycle, a couple of anti-gunners on Mesa's City Council got dumped. They were replaced by fairly pro RKBAers.

I have spoken to the Mayor and his assistant. They know the deal.



New member

How come the article went from detailing the story of reselling guns taken by cops to one talking about online auction sites for guns?

Seemed like a bit of a non sequitar to me.


New member
since criminals will get their hands on guns or other weapons no matter who is selling them or what the history of the weapon is, why not tag the serial numbers on the firearms the police dept sells at auctions so it can be limited to just one legal transfer? say a dealer buys the guns, but then the firearm can only be sold once more after that. they run the serial numbers through when filling out the form at a dealer, right?


spacemanstiff, that won't work. First, why do you want to punish people because of a firearm's particular past? Do you think they're cursed? Also, how do you propose to regulate private transfers? You want to turn AZ into CA and have all sales go through a FFL holding establishment?

"I still think the philosophical issue is an important one and the liability issue is one that people cannot ignore," said Mesa Vice Mayor Dennis Kavanaugh. "I think it’s just the wrong message."
Yeah, it is sending the wrong message. Firearms worth less than $100 shouldn't be destroyed. These whining ninnies are so keen on attributing human qualities to firearms; why not play along and file an equal protection lawsuit if this passes. All firearms deserve equal resale rights under the law.


New member
A couple of years back somebody at the sherrifs' dept. got in trouble because he gave a pistol to an outstanding deputy at some sort of awards banquet.
He commented that he had saved it from being destroyed and that it seemed like a much better use than making a paper weight.
I thought it sounded like a better use myself. It turned out to be a like new, first gen, SAA!


Naw, don't give them away or sell them. Just destroy them all. Ain't that what England did? And look how safe the "SUBJECTS" are in that gun free utopia!

Ya, right...............