Found primers in stock (ky)


New member
If you are looking for primers Buds in Paris Ky had plenty today when I was there.

I picked up a box of CC small riffle to check the price and they were $29.90 which is not bad.



New member
Not bad for today. Just a few years ago I was complaining they were $22/k for CCI 34/41's. You could get regular primers for $18/k.

And even the CCI 34/41's are no longer nickel plated.....what gives????? I stacked 'em back 10k each deep when I got the chance. Paid $32/k with shipping/hazmat fee. I spend more $$$$ driving around looking for the things. Thought enough of this!!!!!:rolleyes:
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New member
Small rifle and small pistol primers are becoming easier to get. I picked up a few bricks of each from Cabelas 2wks ago.
It's only a matter of time before manufacturers increase capacity to meet demand.
They probably got bitten during the last cycle, so have been reluctant to ramp capacity.

I see absolutely no reason to horde primers like some people have been doing.


New member

I got a brick 2 weeks ago at a local gun shop here, the guys there said they knew of a couple guys that had over 50,000 primers each. There's a lot of hoarding going around.


New member
It's not so much hoarding as it is tryingto get a decent stock on hand. I understand how it feels to have an upcoming match with no primers and the prospect of having to pay $35/box for FGMM. Not cool.

I just stocked up, but I'm not hoarding. Hoarding is when you buy more than you'll ever use. I bought enough to get through the next 5-7 years.