Found in Gun Box Lot - What is it?


New member
It look like a coupler to attach a motor to a shaft of some sort. I have used a lot of them in mechanical equipment, but none that long. The open end looks like it has a cut out for a shaft with a key way.

Dumpster Baby

New member
The padding on it leads me to believe it's a handle or a handle extension for an old loading press or swaging dies, etc. The leather (?) wouldn't be on it unless it was a handle of some kind. Were there any old loading or processing tools in the box?


New member
Thanks for the input guys. That's actually rubber not leather molded onto the ends. My first thought was it could be a roller for some sort of small printing press. Then I was wondering if it was something that might be used to loosen revolver barrels....nah. There was no reloading equipment in the lot. Everything else in the box was pre 1980, some very old too, WWI era.


New member
Waist not Want Not! Use it as a Fishing Weight!:D

Drift Punch, Hand Hammer, Put it in a Sock and you have a black Jack!

Make a Pecon Popper (Chucker ) with it!

Finnish boaring it out and make a B.P. Cannon!

Hang it from a wire and you have a Ping Target!

God Am I a Packrat or what?


New member
Homefires...thats a fertile mind. :D My motto is...keep everything for seven years, then put it up. :eek: you should see my basement!



New member

If it was 3/4 by nine inches I could use it to replace the Jack Shaft on my Yerf dog Go Cart! I could still change the bearing race and use it if I move over the Sprocket a few inches!:D

Take it to the local machinist and have him thread it on the out side and bore and hone the inside to make a sizing die! That is some hard Steel!:D

Use it on my Ultra Light Plane as a throttle handle! Foot pedal Bearing on the treadle. No Steel too heavy!:barf:

Ok , When the mother ship comes for me I could keep it in my pocket and hope it goes unnoticed! I could then put it in there Plasma Drive intake just as they Abduct me from my bed room and put the Kabosh on there plans saving the Earth and All of it's Occupants!:p


New member
It is a shaft coupler used to attach 2 pieces that are not in perfect alignment or one of the 2 parts moves slightly in operation. Kind of like a poor mand universal joint. Prob would be good up to about 1/4 hp .....