Found A Sentimental Favorite Today


New member

As a kid, I loved shooting one like this (it was the H&R version). Today found a very dirty NEF R22 Ultra 9 shot .22 revolver. Took it home, cleaned it up, and feel like a kid again.


New member
Excellent!!! Time to punch some holes and chase some cans!!!

Is that a swing out cylinder or loading - gate style?

Double or single action?

Green Frog

New member
My first handgun was (and still is) a High Standard Sentinel Snub Deluxe.I had just turned 21 and got it in a trade while working as a camp counselor in a Boy Scout camp in 1970. It has suffered long periods of benign neglect as I have , but is still in good shape, and each time it is able to crawl out where I find it and can shoot it. It always seems to say, "I've been right here all along, where have you been?" It's very forgiving and nonjudgemental, but really seems to thrive on attention and outings. "You always remember your first love."



New member
My cousin has a 9-shot colt 22 revolver that I'm a huge fan of. He kept it in the tractor with him or on a belt holster for critters and such. I can't tell you how many tin cans I have sent to their final resting place full of holes. Single action trigger was/is just glass.