Found a part


New member
While fooling around in my gun room/work shop, I see on the floor a little coil spring right in front of my gun safe. Now where the heck did that come from??? It is about an inch and half long and about a 3/16 o.d. with one end of the spring looks cut. Now I am wondering did this come out of one of my guns while I was cleaning them?? so I take everyone of the semi's apart look at the manual and drawings and everything seems to be in the right place. I wonder if my wonderful wife was in my shop doing something with what ever she does and it is part of her workmanship?? After taking them all apart and put bacl together they all dry fired, but it still has me wondering.

T. O'Heir

New member
It rolled out of the Twilght Zone. How heavy a spring is it? Thick or thin wire? Ever do a trigger job on a .45? It sounds like a mainspring.
Mind you, it's also possible that your wife just put it there to mess with your head.


New member
it's also possible that your wife just put it there to mess with your head.

Souns lak sumthin my wife wudda did.:D
Hawg(spellin an grammer just fer you T. Oheir)Haggen:D

T. O'Heir

New member
Geez, Hawg, that's terribly decent of you to take the time. Extremely well done illiterate hillbilly vernacular. Close to home is it? Guffaw!
I'm sure it just an extra. Manufacturers are always putting in more stuff than you really need -- just toss it and be glad for the weight reduction and that you now have fewer parts to maintain. :D

Spring? What spring? I don't need no stinking springs!


Sounds like you need to take every single firearm in your house and do a thorough function check... Won't that be fun! :D


New member
John I did that, oh yeah what a blast, nothng like taking apart guns on a friday night. Sure does beat going out to the movies,don't ya think. I know it's not from a 45 because I haven't shot them yet this year, not done with the 40's yet, then I'll go to the 45's. I'll keep it and if anyhting goes wrong while shooting I'll know I found my mistake.

Mal H

Hey, that's my spring!

About 15 years ago a small spring just like you described went flying when I was doing some trigger work in my shop. I looked for hours, actually days, and never found it. Glad to see it finally reappeared from hyperspace. At least it showed up in a shooters shop.

Actually, there may be some truth to what I said. I believe one facet of a current theory of everything postulates that matter can be created from nothing - actually from dark energy. Surely everyone's heard of "spring theory" by now. ;) My spring probably went under a planck in the floor.


New member
When I clean my guns, i just field strip them. I don't go any further than that, so i don't see how it could be a spring from the inner workings of a pistol. But like I said I spent Friday evening enjoying myself taking everyone of the guns apart and then putting them back together, but the darn thing about that is I didn't even shoot them last night, well it kept me out of trouble that for sure. Well I guess I'll just have to go to the range and test fire them to make sure.


New member
extra parts

mechanics have been proving for years that returning all the parts is unnessecary. but i am +1 on the ball point pin spring.


New member
Some manufacturers anticipate the future needs of clients by shipping one replacement spring free of charge. It will fit in any gun anywhere and is guaranteed for everyones lifetime.
Be careful that after all that disassembly and re-assembly that you don't end up to 2 springs at the end of the day. :D:D Murphy's Law you know.


Found a pin when cleaning my two GP100 4" .357s week before last. Could have been the recoil plate cross pin on either but couldn't figure as it's internal and I hadn't detail stripped. Both still had their rear sight cross pin and both wear Hogue grips so it wasn't the disassembly pin, which is thicker and a different color, too.

Still sweating that one. Good luck!