Found a "new" NEF snubby


New member
Hi All,

Picked up an NEF snubby in .32 H&R Mag this morning for a good deal. Seems to be pretty well made although the DA trigger sure ain't a Smith.

I can't remember but is this an old Iver Johnson or Harrington and Richardson design? Anybody got any idea when they were made and when NEF quit making handguns? I'm going to run it through it's paces in the next few days and see how it does. I know ammo is gonna be a big problem (and expensive) but I've hunted rabbits for years with a .32 S&W Long so I got a decent bit of that put up to practice with.



New member

I believe that the NEF guns were all derived from H&R designs, some of which go back a long time ago. Some of the .22's were pretty well respected as target guns in the early 20th century. They were economical guns, but are usually pretty well made, and don't qualify as junk guns or the like, as they were made to be inexpensive but reliable. But due to the low cost, they sometimes appear in unsavory company, which hurts the rep.