Fouling Shot?


New member
Okay, question from a new BP hunter for those who have more experience: What is your procedure for firing a fouling shot before heading into the field?

I understand the concept: Some rifles (mine included) shoot the first shot out of a clean bore out of the group, then settle in and hammer. Okay, so I can see the advantage of having the barrel to the point where it is hammering while out in the field. But where I hunt, it is literally off of my back door. I can't discharge a firearm until I get into my hunting area, and then obviously I don't want to scare game.

So what is the deal? How is it done? Load a light charge of powder and just burn it without a bullet? A full-load?



New member

You`ll have to test yours to be sure .. but if i use a dry patch on my first shot it helps ..when i can`t do a fouling shot .... something else i`ve done is useing a .495 ball instead of the .490 .. if she loads good and tight on the first shot`s uasually gonna fly true .

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
Most BP rifles just need a little smoke in the barrel to foul for first shot. Mine works great by just popping a cap through it before loading. I just put on a cap (or two) and stick it inside my truck and pull the trigger. (NOT WITH A LOAD-JUST A CAP) that generally does it and I'm ready to load.


New member
P-990, if not doing a competion shoot paper target cloverleaf type shooting, or metalic silhouettes. Just load it and go shoot your game. We're talkin splittin' hairs here. I don't think anyone in here may have bee off more that 3 or 4" from center point of aim. There is a thing called a Deer load, one chargesay in my .50 cal Poorboy 60gr of ffg BP then one lubed patched ball, and another lubed patched ball. At 100 yard the spread is 6 to 8". Pretty good spread for a heart or lung shot. Now ifin ya wants ta put one behind the ear use only one ball...:cool:
I don't season my barrels I prefer them scaldin hot soapy/rinse water clean...but seasoning a barrel may be another way to go. I suppose you could shoot it the nite before and reload it...that may be an Ideer.
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New member
Smokin.....You say you load 2 balls on top of only 60gr. 2F?:confused: And this works good? Never tried that B4. How close do you need to be for a kill with this method? Sounds like sumthin I need to try.:rolleyes:

Wild Bill Bucks

New member

I don't know about the two ball thing, I think I would just concentrate on hitting what I'm shooting at with one ball. That's hard enough for me.:D


New member
I've tried shooting double balls on targets but some states just don't allow more than 1 projectile to be loaded in the same barrel while hunting and specify "single projectile only".


New member
Lonesome Dove ... ya don't have to use 60gr that's just my standard load.
about a 6"-8" spread at 100 yards. Try it on a plain piece of cardboard with a 100 yd bullseye on it. Let me know what you get ... I use a Miroku .50 cal Tennessee Mountain rifle ... with 8" cut off a 41 1/2" bbl... or a 33 1/2" bbl.
Check Laws before usin' the Deer Load. I never heard of a single projectile law in muzzleloading hunting... But I have only hunted in New York and California. Like does Buck Shot Count?


New member

Smokin .. i loaded 2 balls in my front stuffer by mistake one time ..and 60grs of powder is my standard load too .. the 2 balls hit the target board touching each other at 30 yards and were on the bulls eye . lol .. i said hummm would ya look at that. :eek:


New member
So I guess one way to look at it is that "fouling shots" help to prevent shooting "foul balls";
and the trick is to not "foul up" the "barrel fouling" process or one may be shooting "foul balls" at the deer! Thanks for all of the "foul[ing] tips"! :D

Here's interesting pictures of how some 209 primers "foul up" a barrel more than others:


After 2 shots with competitor's 209 primers


After 15 shots with Remington Kleanbore 209 primers

It never occurred to me that some #11 primers also might create more fouling than others, so maybe folks would prefer using the ones that foul the most! ;)


New member
I've tried shooting double balls on targets but some states just don't allow more than 1 projectile to be loaded in the same barrel while hunting and specify "single projectile only".

Now I just can't shake the mental image of a 12ga sabot with a single #8 shot in it for quail season :)


New member
LD, just check to be sure for hunting season...that was prior to 1974 when I lived back there. But it sure won't hurt to try it out on paper or vaporizing water bottles of the 1 gal. capacity...

Sundance I wish I could do that with a two ball load... did you try it again or quit while you were ahead? LoL!


New member

Smokin I did quit while i was ahead ... but the club rifle builder was shooting next to me and when i showed it too him .. he said at 25 yards it should do it every time .. he said it will open up at greater distance . I`ll have to try it again sometime too .