Forward Assist on FN-FAL?


New member
Hey, anyone know why the FN-FAL series was never "product improved" like the M16 series with a forward assist?

And where do I download the gas system adjustment/tuning instructions?



New member
Because I don't believe there was a legitimate reason to install a forward assist on the FAL.

The M-16 had a very good reason for the upgrade; sometimes the bolt wouldn't fully seat and needed a little nudge.

There's nothing wrong with the FAL, but I'm sure there are some out there that would try to fix it until there is.

Jimmy Mac

New member
The parts are avalible to make a forward assist feature in your FAL.

It is a different bolt carrier and cocking handle.

I think the parts can be bought fron Tapco.


New member
There is a forward assist for the FAL. It was a feature of the Isreali rifles. Isreali forward assist parts can be purchased at

Tapco is also offering US made FAL forward assist parts.


New member
Cheapo, the parts were just recently reproduced for the FAL forward assist. Don't feel too bad about not knowing.

Tapco offers this part for $60 under PN FAL24470 and it counts as a US part. Unfortunately, you need to use the Israeli style bolt carrier which is another $160 for a US version.

Jamie Young

New member
Since when did Semi-autos "really" need help pushing a bullet into the chamber? Its kind of like putting a forward assist on a Bic lighter.

I really wish they put a left side cocking handle on the AR15. I've had to use the forward assist on my AR because some of my re-loaded .223 cases weren't sized well enough. Other than that, I can't see why its even on the AR. Maybe they designed the AR15 around my reloading skills?:rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :(

Hey, anyone know why the FN-FAL series was never "product improved" like the M16 series with a forward assist?

I don't see how the FAL can be "improved" in any other way other than the L1A1 bolt design. Other than being big and clunky its the simplest semi-auto out there. There are far fewer magazine problems with FAL's compared to the M16/AR15's design.


New member
Soda, American Spirt Arms makes an AR upper that has a side chargeing folding cocking handle like on an L1a1. PvtPyle bought one at the last gunshow, so far so good.

I actually think that the FAL could benefit for the Izzy style forward assist. As some of you know I love FALs, and I have shot a ton of rounds through one L1a1 in particular. With that said, when my gas tube broke at the SWAT WC3gun, the malfunctions that I was having could have been corrected much faster with a forward assist.

The next FAL I build will use the Tapco parts.


New member
Boing is right. The humility gremlins come and get you.

The tube did not actually break, here is what happened: The L1a1 gas tube threads into the gas block, it is not totally fixed, but rather it is able to rotate a small bit. There is a pin under the gas regulator that goes through the block and rides on a flat part of the gas tube threads. This pin keeps the tube from rotating out of the block.

I had the gun refinished not to long before the big match. Apparently the pin was not reinserted into the gas block. So I was using a rifle for a couple of months with no pin in the gas block. However I never had a problem as the tube was still in the block and I never noticed that you could move it more than you should have been able to by hand. (How often do you guys remove your handguards?)

So if you remember my post after it went south at the match, I originally thought it was an ammo problem, because when I pulled off the handguards there was a ton of fouling inside them. I did not catch that the tube was unthreaded, (touch it, it wiggles, ok its good). Turns out that the tube was bouncing around unsecured at the block the whole time. By the time that I got to the malfunction junction stage it had worked its way out enough that I was not venting enough gas to the bolt.

Never trust that somebody else put your gun back together correctly. :) The forward assist would have helped a couple of times as the bolt travelled back with enough pressure to extract, eject, and partially strip another round, then it would peter out. So to clear I would have to pull back the handle enough to let if fly forward and push the fresh cartridge in. If you were not careful you could pull it back to far and end up trying to double feed the gun. With a forward assist I could have just pushed the round into the chamber manually.

So I should not have said it broke, more like a stupidity enduced malfunction that cost me big time. :)


New member
"stupidity enduced malfunction"

LOL - those are the only kind of malfunctions I have, and always at the worst time!:D


New member
What goes around...

Correia, thinking about your earlier FAL-MALF post is what prompted my question in the first place. We hear all sorts of talk about the AR and its "problems" ** , but oh so little about tweaking the design of the FAL.

Maybe it's that machinist's nighmare of a receiver, and how the bolt carrier rides along like a pistol slide, with the top cover a respectful distance away..?..

** For all its faults, whether perceived or real, the AR system _still_ appears to be remarkable reliable. How would it do "fixed?" We just don't have enough Robison M96s or whatever they're called in hard-duty service.

David Park

New member
When my FAL was "brand new" (it's a DSA kit gun) with "new" mags, I had some feeding problems similar to Correia's malfunction. After breaking in the gun and smoothing the magazine lips a bit with sandpaper, the problem went away, but I can see the usefulness of a forward assist. I can't justify the cost of the TAPCO parts right now, though.


New member
I'm glad I'm not the only one I just got my DSA Stg58a and I had a feed problem after 200 or so rnds. I was thinking of installing a reciprocating bolt handle but I'll wait til I break it in more to see what happens.


Staff Alumnus
I have the MO in my pocket to finish the last work on my FAL and get it shipped to WA. Woohoo!

I'm leery of using the FA on my M4. If the round doesn't want to load, I probably don't want to load it!

My 16a4 in ITB was accurate, but only reliable when you weren't rolling in sand. My bad...thought that was what it was for!


New member
Thanks for the input and info!

Anyone know of a garage-expedient substitute for the gas tube nut wrench? None of my bicycle tools will fit it...:D