Fort Worth officer shoots self in hand


New member
Fort Worth officer shoots self in hand
By Deanna Boyd
Star-Telegram Staff Writer

FORT WORTH - A Fort Worth police officer was accidentally shot in the left hand Tuesday morning when a gun discharged as he was disassembling it to clean at the department's firing range.

The 43-year-old officer, whom police declined to identify, was taken to Harris Methodist Fort Worth. The 22-year police veteran underwent surgery Tuesday afternoon, and a hospital spokeswoman said he was in fair condition.

"When he was in the ER, he could wiggle his fingers," said Lt. Al Allcon, a police spokesman. "They were concerned that a fragment of the bullet may have hit" a wrist bone.

Allcon said the officer had just completed qualifying at the range in the 1000 block of Calvert Court when the accident occurred shortly after 10 a.m.

"He had gone into the gun cleaning room and apparently was starting to disable his weapon," Allcon said. "He failed to clear the weapon and double check and make sure it didn't have a round in it."

Allcon said a single round in the chamber of a Glock Model 27 semiautomatic discharged when the officer pulled the trigger to take the slide off. The bullet pierced the officer's left hand before lodging in a bench in the room.

Two other officers in the room were not injured, Allcon said.

The incident is believed to have been the first accidental shooting of a Fort Worth police officer at the range since it was built in 1985. Allcon said the last accident at the range involved an officer from another agency who shot himself in the leg while holstering his gun.

The incident is under investigation by the department's major case unit, as is routine in all police-involved shootings.

"Obviously, the range will again review the policies that they have there, but I think this wasn't due to anything that was not established in a policy or any lack of a policy," Allcon said. "I think it was just oversight on the officer's part."

All in all, pretty even-handed :)rolleyes: ) for the startle-gram....


New member
Didn't Sarah Brady , Chuckie Shumer and the others say it was alright for him to have a gun but not me ??? I don't have a hole in either hand . Am I doing something wrong ???:confused:


New member
when a gun discharged as he was disassembling it
Allcon said a single round in the chamber of a Glock Model 27 semiautomatic discharged when the officer pulled the trigger to take the slide off.
The incident is believed to have been the first accidental shooting of a Fort Worth police officer
The word is negligent. They just can't seem to use it.

Sorry for the LEO, but after 22 years on the job, why dance around the fact that he negligently fired his gun? :mad:


New member
Considering the way you have to take Glocks apart, you'd think checking the chamber would be the first thing anyone did.

Col. Mustard

New member
Glock disassembly

Considering the way you have to take Glocks apart, you'd think checking the chamber would be the first thing anyone did.

And putting a body part in front of the muzzle the last.

Long Path

New member
"He failed to clear the weapon and double check and make sure it didn't have a round in it."
"Obviously, the range will again review the policies that they have there, but I think this wasn't due to anything that was not established in a policy or any lack of a policy," Allcon said. "I think it was just oversight on the officer's part."
Sounds like the department is taking a reasonable and intelligent view of the incident, realizing that this was a lapse in personal responsibility on the officer's part, and not something that can be fixed away by new policy. Believe you me, that's the most common response in a lot of agencies. :rolleyes: ("Well, we had to do something")

Not a bad safety record, for a department the size of Ft. Worth's.

Decent story, really.


New member
Sorry to hear this officer shot himself. That's pretty rough.

Allcon said a single round in the chamber of a Glock Model 27 semiautomatic discharged when the officer pulled the trigger to take the slide off.
You have to acknowledge that they said he pulled the trigger. Negligent, accidental, whatever, at least the gun didn't jump up and shoot him in the hand.


New member
Given that it was a Glock, forget the term ND or AD, let's just say he has Flocked Himself !!! - not an uncommon occurence with this weapon. The same happened to a LEO friend a few years ago.

Fortunately for this officer and my friend the outcome was not as serious as it could have been.

Never had an ND with my Series 70 Colt, nor with my SIG P239. In any case, one can never be too careful about these things.