Fort Worth Gun Show Question


New member
I'm a shooting newbie. When I found out the FW Gun Show was coming to town this weekend, I got real excited to go check it out. However, as I have been reading a few things today, my excitement is waning... The more I read, the more it sounds like it is a few guns (that I may or may not be allowed to handle), some ammo, accessories, and then a lot of Beef Jerky tables and collectibles. True? Is it worth the money to go check it out? I'm not ready to buy yet, but want to check stuff out.
Also - thoughts on taking a couple of my kids (13 and 10) that are getting into guns as well? The 10 year old is free, but I'll have to pay for the 13 year old. Is this going to be worth my $20 or so?

Thanks in advance for any info/thoughts


New member
IMHO,:rolleyes:, I've been going to gun shows in the DFW area since around 1978
(give or take a year), and for my money, the Dallas Arms Collectors Association gun show at Market Hall in Dallas is the best there is. And no, I am neither a member of the association, nor affiliated with the show in any way, except as a paying customer. If I just want to browse, handle different guns, and scrounge for deals, I go to the DACA show. If I am looking for a specific item, I may go to the Ft. Worth show.
Like I said, just my personal opinion. And nothing personal against the Ft. Worth show, it's just not as big (and interesting) as the Market Hall gun show.

I second what Walter said. The FW gun show is nowhere near as big as the Dallas Market Hall show, but IIRC it is mostly firearms, with some ammo and some (not excessive) jerky, books, jewelry, etc.

The Dallas show has more of everything, but I wouldn't hesitate to go to a FW show if I was in the area. :cool:


New member
There's pretty much a variety of stuff at nearly all gun shows. Many gun dealers travel hundreds of miles to get to the show, and they have motel, meal, and gasoline expenses to cover. Lots of them are no longer making the trip because it's just too expensive. As the economy slows down, the show promoters still have to fill all those tables, and people selling jerky and such are welcome to come in and set up. If you don't have any interest in nuts, jerky, and beanie babies (or whatever else is hot at the moment) just pass those tables by. There's lots of guys who don't want to see that stuff at gun shows, but the reality is if the show isn't a sellout for dealers, we ALL will end up paying a lot more to get in the door.


New member
I went

I went and took the 13 and 10 year olds. We had a good time. Definately worth our money and time. Gave me lots of stuff to think about when I get the funds together to join the ranks of gun owners. The kids liked it because they saw lots of guns they like from Call of Duty.
There was definitely fluff (Jerky, collectibles, etc..) but it was not too bad. Plenty of gun tables.
Only real bummer was that no one had an M&P Shield. I was hoping to check one out there.



New member
I went as well

And I'm glad you had a good time. This one wasn't as good as some of the others that have been in town lately but still pretty good. I walked out with a new set of brass punches and a couple of well spent hours with friends.

My advice, always go, the one time you don't is the one time your neighbor stops by with the new XD he got at a steal of a deal.:D

Mark In Texas

New member
I was there too and bought a Taurus TCP for a great price, so I was happy. Less gun tables than ones in the past and only about three jerky tables.

One thing about the FW Gun Show is everyone is very polite - the tables are close together and you invariably bump into one-another and it's always "Excuse, excuse me, all my, no, my fault entirely."

A (potetentially) armed society is a polite society.