Former PM Netanyahu interview

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Part 1

Michael Savage
Sunday, Sept. 16, 2001
Michael Savage hosts the Savage Nation, America's fastest growing
syndicated radio show. Last week, Michael interviewed former Israeli Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.


Mr. Netanyahu, welcome to the Savage Nation. I know this is a terrible time
for America as well as for Israel, but can you tell us who you think is
behind this crime against humanity?


There is no question but there is a terror network that consists of several
terrorist states; Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, a few other Middle Eastern
regimes and affiliated groups, which include bin Laden, the Hezbolah in
Lebanon, and of course these various terrorist groups operating under
Arafat's PLO.


Is Arafat connected? Do you think Arafat is connected to this act against


Well I don't know about this particular attack, but various components of
this terror network support one another in materiel, often in intelligence.
We know bin Laden has been cooperating with the Palestinian terror groups
in Arafat's domain for quite some time and they support each other

I think that one must understand that this, as President Bush has said,
this new terrorism, whose main engine is militancy against the West, has
declared war on the West and on the leader of the West, on the United
States. They are fueled primarily by what is a fantasy, and that is the
idea that they'll reverse history and reverse the rise of Western democracy
and restore their warped interpretation of Islam. That's what they do, and
America stands in the way, so America has to be destroyed. Now it's
fantastic, but that's what they think.

Now it doesn't make any difference if there is one attack and you get bin
Laden, it makes a hell of a difference if he's the one who did it and he
should get it, but there will be others after him because this is part of a
movement. It's part of a century-old antipathy towards the West. And so
it's not enough to just apprehend the kamikaze squadron. You have to get
the aircraft carrier that is making possible other attacks and future
attacks by other kamikazes.


So what must be done? The aircraft carriers I assume are the states that
sponsor these terrorists.


That's absolutely correct.


Are you suggesting a war against the very nations that we know very well
sponsor terrorism? Are you suggesting that's what will happen or what
should happen?


Well, first of all you are at war because they are conducting these attacks
against you and they're making it possible. President Bush has said
correctly that what you have to go after is not merely the terrorist
organizations, but all these states who harbor terrorists, let alone
finance them, equip them, give them a safe haven, dispatch them, give them
political cover, and so on.

I think what's important to understand that what you saw in New York was a
wake-up call from hell. Sure, five years ago I wrote a book, and I said if
the Islamic militant terror groups are not stopped, then the next thing
you'll see, as I wrote in the book "Fighting Terrorism," is not going to be
a car bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center, but a nuclear bomb.
OK, they didn't put in a nuclear bomb, they just put in a 360-ton
conventional bomb.

But do you doubt at all that if Iran or Iraq acquire nuclear weapons or
develop them (and they're feverishly developing them) that they will one
day make those available or indeed be capable of such an attack on the
United States? Can you tell me that this will not happen? I think we are
faced here with new forces that are not susceptible to the old terms, to
the sober calculations of cost and benefit.

These are not Soviets. This is not communism. This is a different
conception of the world dominion that seeks to operate unlike communism,
irrationally. I think communism was completely irrational in its goal,
completely irrational on reversing human nature. But communism was pursued
absolutely rationally. Every time the Soviets had to choose between their
ideology and their life, they chose their life. Whether in Cuba, the Cuban
Missile Crisis, or in the Berlin crisis, or in any other crisis, they never
ever put ideology above life.

These people put their fanatic hatred of the West, that goes back
centuries, they put that above life itself. Not only the lives of
thousands, and tomorrow millions of the hated infidels in the west, but
their own lives as well. So you cannot be sure that deterrence will work.
Now how you dismantle this terror in part is a different question. But
should you dismantle it, you should, in time because you have the power to
do it.

They have the will to destroy the West. They don't have the power today.
You have the power today, we all do, the power to crush this terror
network. What we must now show is that we have the will to do so.


Well there is the key fulcrum of our discussion. Does the West have the
will? Aren't we showing weakness in our lack of reaction thus far?


No, I don't think you need an instantaneous reaction, and actually I am
very impressed with the strength that is communicated by the American
people, its government, its citizens, the people of New York, the
leadership of New York, Mayor Giuliani. I think it is admirable. I think
there is self-constraint, self control, there's enormous grief, but there's
also patriotic strength and a feeling that all the democracies have to
unite in order to slay this evil. I think America projects strength, not


I am going to ask a very sensitive question, but I know you've answered it
before, so you'll take it please in context. If Israel did not exist, would
these terrorist have attacked the United States?


Well it's interesting to hear the Taliban leader, issuing a statement,
saying that he describes three great enemies; the British, the Russians,
and now the Americans. For them, this is a war of civilization. For them,
this is the war of the believers against the infidels. We happen to be a
part of the main infidel network.

They don't hate America because of Israel. They hate Israel because of
America. They think that we are merely an outpost of the three Western
democratic civilizations that they hate so much. And you know the
antagonism of militant Islam towards the West goes back 1,000 years, for
the millennium before Israel was added to its list of enemies. So I think
that if people think that, "Oh well, if we give Yasser Arafat land above
Tel Aviv," that this would make any difference. He'd like to be above Tel
Aviv because it would enable him to push us into the sea a lot earlier and
more easily. But it wouldn't make a world of a difference. Except for the
fact that a major outpost of the United States, of the West, would be

I tell you something, if Belgium were here, if Holland were here, if any
other Western country were here, they'd attack us equally, so we're merely
an extension, in their view, of this Western culture, working civilization,
of free society that they find so hateful, and so much deserving of


Moderator Emeritus
Last Sunday at church, a good friend of mine told me about this interview and I have been looking for a transcript ever since.

Thank you very much for posting this, Byron. It is well worth the time it took to read it. Mr. Netanyahu has a unique perspective on these events, and terrorism in general, and I think that he is right on the money.

We need to oust even the "legitimate" governments that support and/or harbor terrorists. They are the enablers who allowed this attack to succeed; and they are as guilty as the kingpins who ordered the attack.


Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam

If Netanyahu is correct in his estimate of the situation then we will have to do more than just oust "legitimate" regimes. We are going to have to change the culture that produces such fanatics.
If we fail to change that culture then we will have the choice of either destroying that culture or of waiting to be destroyed by it.

Pakistan has produced nuclear weapons. Iran and Iraq have to be close. There are many militant organizations in Pakistan...suppose one gains control?

Apparently the Republican leadership of Congress refused to press forward a vote on a declaration of war. I don't believe they are thinking straight.


New member
Very interesting, insightful, and enlightening remarks from Mr. Netanyahu. Hope our leadership has paid heed!


New member
Interesting, insightful, and enlightening indeed.

We got in one lump sum what Israel has been getting in dribs and drabs over the last 50 years.

We had better wake up and do what Mr. Netanyahu suggests.

Remember when the Iraqi's were building that A-Bomb? While the rest of the world harrumphed and shuffled it's feet, Israel went in and bombed the place. Had they not, we might be mourning the entire island of Manhattan.