Forearm split.


New member
I have a 20 Ga. Savage Fox B in very good to excellent condition.
There is, however, a small crack (less than 1/2 in.) in the front of the forearm.
The finish is in really nice shape.
Any suggestions on what to do?


New member
You can force some epoxy into the crack or epoxy a layer of fiberglass cloth on the inside of the forearm. Any oil will have to be removed first.


New member
Forearm split

Ditto on the epoxy/fiberglass fix approach.

I would however also suggest a good yellow wood glue in squeeze bottle that is water soluable before drying. Reitterating to remove all gun oil with a solvent first. Hopefully you haven't oiled over the split too often. You might want to use a thin spatula, wood chissle (or ice pick) to slightly expand the split crack on the very outside run of the crack for the wood glue to enter deep (This is only a slight penetration so as not to extend the split any further.)

Don't worry about over glueing as excess can be wet rag cleaned from the surface finish. When the glue has filled the crack, remove the flaring tool and let excess gue ooze to the outside.

Wipe the surface clean with wet rag. Wrap folded paper towels around the circumfrence of the forearm to keep excess glue absored. Wrap two or three narrow pieces of string around the forearm and begin twisting the end pieces until all the string becomes very tight and secure so it does not unwrap while the glue dries.

After about 4-6 hours of drying time, unwrap the string and remove the paper towels. Some fiber will be seen but can be burnished off. Continue to dry polish the surface until the irregularities are buffed out.


New member
Also, you might try drilling a small hole at the end of the crack to prevent it from lengthening. Start on the inside and CAREFULLY drill almost all the way through.


New member
Forearm split

The drilled hole would certainly stop the split, but leave a blemish to boot. If the yellow carpenter's wood glue is not viscous, but runny, it will follow the crack through osmosis. Most carpenter's glue will not recrack, but with stress, the wood would crack around the glue! Easy clean up is the bonus!


New member
Without a picture or good idea on the fault, it's hard to list the "Best" fix for there is more than one good way to make the fix. Lately, on newer wood, I use TiteBond III, which is water soluable and yet, waterproof when it dries; Go figure ?? .. :rolleyes:

On older wood, I use one of the poly's. A bit harder to work with and you have to watch it while it's drying as it creeps but will stick stronger and don't need dowels or additional support.

Be Safe !!!


New member
Forearm split

With the crack less than 1/2", you might want to use a "super glue" on the INSIDE of the crack. It would not affect the surface finish, but would certainly take the grain of the crack.


New member
What Boncrayon said. Try to spread the crack a tad to get the glue in. One trick is to use a gentle blast of compressed air to force it into the crack. Then be sure and clamp it good. I like the slow-set kind so that it gives me a little time to work.