For your amusement.


New member
This is a prize.

A highlight is the webauthor's video of his remarks as a participant in the Huntsville Mayoral candidates' forum.

I'm not kidding.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Just as I suspected. Everything that goes on is a Commie plot, unless it's a plot by the UN, the Bilderbergs, the Tri-Lateral Commission, the New World Order folks, or the WTO. Oops, I mustn't forget the NEA.

Yup. Little by little I'm learning of the plots against my guns--or is it my kids?

Gotta thank this fellow. And JHS, for sharing. :)



New member
Being originally from Huntsville, I'm going to have to find out who this guy is...ALL my family still lives in Huntsville, so I they might be interested....


New member
This guy seems to be full of violence and hatred -- definite warning signs. We ought to make sure he doesn't have access to any firearms.


No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other. -- Jascha Heifetz


New member
Extreme articles like this bother me. Many of his points were in fact correct. Public schools do resemble prisons (especially in urban areas.) The NEA does support the feminist agenda. (This has been reported by many people within the educational establishment.) But his rhetoric was a bit over the top. I do disagree with one point-if guns promote masculinity, why is it that there are so many advertisements that have the buxom young thing holding the gun? And why is it that women tend to be better shots (as a group) then men? (At least according to my Drill Sergeant in Basic Training.) :)