For You Who Would Hunt In Africa

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I was browsing over at TimeBomb2000 and ran across this:

Rather intersting comment about the spread of Islam...

Anyhow, it's an accurate picture, IMO, and could well mean that governmental hostilities toward whites could expand to include those of us who would hunt there. If nothing else, in the cost and availability of licenses and even the mere existence of professional hunters.



New member
Interesting read, Art.

I often wondered whether or not communism would flourish over there, as the politically-correct "West" couldn't bring itself to oppose a "majority rule" African nation in any serious manner, due to the obvious demographics . . . but now the governments are less marxist than kleptocrat.

Last time I was over there, my hosts pointed out how things had deteriorated with the change in governments . . . they had very un-PC (but probably accurate) explanations for this. Seems the deterioration has accelerated in the last few years.


New member
The nations there are set up disregarding traditional tribal and language boundaries. To set up a nation which could be truly Western or Marxist the builders will have to do so within tradition then evolve as such by a tedious process of conquest. True indiginous nations in the Western sense of the word are still a millenium in the future.

IMHO the continent will deteriorate back into a state of affairs akin to barbarian Europe in the 4th century AD, though even less united. It should be interesting to watch to see whether the patriarchal or matriarchal tribes win.

(What should be more interesting and pertinent to us is the attempt of liberal educators to balkanize the US and turn it into the same sort of cannibal soup.)