For You Airgunners out there......It's not cheap but a damn cool idea.

chris in va

New member
Interesting idea, but two things. Very surprised CO2 is used with it's consistency problems (reference the paintball crowd on that one) it just me or does it look like someone just took a Dremel to an AR upper?



CO2 is pretty good as long as the temperature is consistent. For indoor practice I imagine it would be fine. Even outdoors it wouldn't be a problem as long as you realized you might need to make some sight adjustments at the beginning of each shooting session.

The picture isn't very pretty--I suspect that's a prototype and wouldn't expect the production models to be that rough.

You're right on the prices for premium airguns. One way to help reconcile this is to understand that while a firearm uses powder (stored in the cartridges) to fire the projectile an airgun must incorporate a means to generate or store all the energy used to fire the projectile.


New member
Is it just me, or is that a hose clamp on the handguard?

I also agree with the CO2 concern. Nitrogen is just as easy to work with and much better for accuracy. (However, CO2 is arguably better for bulk shooting)


New member
C02 is fine for a single shot. Like John mentions, the CO2 gas phase is temperature sensitive, also rapid cycling of the valve in a CO2 repeater can exhaust the gas in the reservoir by outrunning the rate of gas conversion, causing pressure drops - this is one factor that affects the paintball shooters. But if you're shooting slowly, you should be fine even at lower temperatures.

The big complaint w/ the older CO2 match guns was that the velocity would drop sharply as the reservoir was depleted - i.e. they don't have a linear pressure curve like gaseous NO2.

I'm sure that that's just a prototype depicted - it looks pretty rough. But PCE has a good rep in the shooting community. I'm sure that the final product will be top notch.

* Scott's post on targettalk mentions that these had been developed in support of a new CMP event. It may be that CO2 was chosen to keep costs down.
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