For Those Who Want a FL NON Resident CCW


New member
I found this link on a thread over at THR. This guy is in PA and I thought this might be of interest to TFL members in that area. I don't know much about the course but I thought since it is very difficult to get a CCW in NJ or NYC I would pass it along FYI. He does a FL Non Resident too. I left NYC in 1993 and am enjoying my 2nd Amendment freedom in Florida. If this is posted in the wrong section of TFL I apologize.



New member
Or you can do the whole Florida app yourself through the mail and not pay a middleman for his "help". He is NOT going to get you a NJ or NY CCW. Not a chance.

I got FL non res in a couple months. So can you.


New member
Somebody will look at his services for FL and VA as worthwhile and it is never a bad idea to get training.

I don't need his services but there are people with the disposable cash who will avail themselves of them because they think it easier than getting it all done themselves.


New member
Yeah I know you can do it yourself. I posted this as an option to those who may want help. I realize that he can't assist in getting an NYC or NJ CCW. Those jurisdictions need to be challenged in court in light of the Heller decision. The obstacles and restrictions they impose on the majority of qualified people (non felons) amount to a defacto ban despite the few permits they do issue. A good place to start in NY is to challenge the Sullivan Act. It was borne out of racism and classism.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus

The information in that link indicates that the fee is $55 in NY. That is true only of the actual city. The entire rest of the state (at least EVERY area I know of) still charges only $3 per additional gun...

and, yeah, this guy (or anyone else) will not ever (well, 99.9999% of the time) be able to get a handgun permit issued in NYC. Only "high-profile" people get NYC permits and they can get them without help.


New member
Yeah I know you can do it yourself. I posted this as an option to those who may want help. I realize that he can't assist in getting an NYC or NJ CCW. Those jurisdictions need to be challenged in court in light of the Heller decision. The obstacles and restrictions they impose on the majority of qualified people (non felons) amount to a defacto ban despite the few permits they do issue. A good place to start in NY is to challenge the Sullivan Act. It was borne out of racism and classism.

Not going to happen. Not only is NY becoming more and more left leaning by the day, but the NYS Supreme Court has ruled that the issuing authority can place their own restictions on a license. This has been challenged and has lost. That's why Suffolk County pistol license holders have "target only" licenses. And city residents have nothing.