For those who shoot a 1911 at 50 yards


New member
For those out there with 1911 service / carry grade guns, what if any results do you see / consider good for 50 yard shooting, I'm just curious as I have been trying this for amusement more than anything, yes I know it's highly unlikley to ever be need in a defensisive situation, at the same time I figure it builds skill and is an intresting test of a gun.

I was able to get the shots into an area that woudl be covered by an 8x10 piece of paper though I have a feeling that many out there can do better than this.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I was able to get the shots into an area that would be covered by an 8x10 piece of paper though I have a feeling that many out there can do better than this.
Offhand or benched? If you did that offhand, that's some mighty fine shootin' thar, Tex!

Best I can do offhand at 50 yds is 9 out of 10 torso hits on a silhouette. (But then, I don't have my new Les Baer yet, either ;) )


New member
It depends on the arm itself.

You will need a 1911 that is fitted well, with a good barrel, nice defined crisp sights and a good trigger pull.

I shoot NRA Conventional Pistol (aka Bullseye). Our slow fire stage is 50 yards, timed and rapid are done at 25.

I usually manage to hold the 8 ring or better consistently (that's about 7 inches), and on a good day, I can hold the 9 ring (about 4 inches) on the B-6 or B-8 at 50 yards. I am also stuck in Expert class; my .22 scores could put me squarely in the Master class--if I were able to repeat them with the .45.


New member
If I could hit a pie plate, two or three times per mag, at fifty yards from off-hand, I'd be patting myself on the back.


New member
In some of the classes I have taken many of us consistently hit 75 and 100 yard target. Generally we are shooting a man size stell target (torso on up) offhand without problems. Of course, you can have a pretty large group and still hit.

Since these were largely tactical/carry guns, some adjustments had to be made for point of aim. Some folks were fine to 25 yards of so but once they got out 100 yards, some found different holds were necessary.

As far as not being able to see your target, that's okay . . . you need to be looking at your front sight . . . unless, of course, you are point shooting.:D


New member
Steelheart ---

It's the new Specal Forces full size 1911, black coated with a varyation of the ball cut treatment on the front strap and MSH, I have a Kobra Carry as well, I like both the Brown guns a whole lot though the Kobra was flawless, the SF as it's a new model had a few hitches --- 3/4 grip busings came loose, and the FP it came with was broken off short --- pretty sure it was becuse the gun was on display at the Shot Show as the break looked deliberate -- and the gun has a low serial number relative to the one on their website.

The coating is OK but just that a coating, Brown seems to think it more rugged than others but it's looking about the same on my gun in mechaincal wear areas, maybe it will hold up better to holser wear?

All the same minus the hicups it's a great gun and I'd put it against those costing the same or more.

The Brown line does not have quite the variety of some of the other makers but what is there works great and is more than enough for my needs, in fact I kind of like the fact that the man and the company subscribes to the KISS principle and has a minimum of ad hype assoicated with them, there are at liest 2 other semi-custom 1911 makers I can think of that I would have a hard time transacting busness with just becuse there is so much hype to them and their product.

As to seeing the target, I find it's not so much a matter of seeing as having something definitive to referance to --- so I started putting a small square of white duct tape in the middle of the black target -- to provide a center referance to aim for otherwise the x is too small to see and you end up waving all over the place when you take aim.


New member
Auto Ordnance GI, 50-55 yard shooting.

Bone-stock GI, Wolf hardball, rested over pickup door, windy day:

After mild accurizing-