for those that carry


New member
I have had my permit for over a year now and still do not carry. I keep thinking of it,but just never go through with it. Am i alone here or is there others out there that also don't carry. The main reason i got it was 2 fold,First to excersise my right to bear arms and second,Very seldom if ever do i unload my truck from the range ( as i go every other day).


New member
A lot of folks are pretty self-conscious at first, thinking that everyone notices that they are carrying. You simply have to work through that, and eventually you'll realize that most people are self-absorbed and not paying much attention to you.

After awhile, you get used to it, and it feels odd when you don't carry. It is extremely important to have a comfortable holster and position too, and that takes some exploration.

There are places I can't carry... my workplace is one of them. I have to accept that, but otherwise if I'm up and about there is a pistol in my waistband.

Is it because you think you might not need it?
Life is full of choices and the only thing certain is what happened yesterday. I carry 24/7 because there are people in this World that given the chance would try and take what I have spent my life working for. I carry to protect my wife and kids, and because I can't run or fight as good as I used to. You can never pick the time or place for an attack, that is the choice of the bad guy, and therefore I plan to always be prepared. If you are attacked tomorrow and your gun is not on your person, think you might decide you made the wrong choice by not carrying? No one can decide for you, the choice is yours.


New member
I didn't carry very often when I first got my carry license. Over the course of a year or so, I began carrying all the time. It just becomes a habit.


New member
I don't carry as often as I would like, but I'm in the military and can't carry on base, so if I want to carry to/from work, I would have to stop by the range before work to store my pistol in a locker, then go back after work to retrieve it. I realize that bad things can happen anytime, but I don't feel so unsafe during my commute that I'm willing to go out of my way twice a day just yet.


New member
Not having a gun at all times is not the worst thing in the world - its safe to say I am armed or have a pistol nearby 85-90% of the time outside of work

But when I do not, usually when it is unlawful, I do not feel endangered by being unarmed - but I say this as a 28 year old male in reasonably good health, even if without a gun, I consider myself capable of putting up a decent fight should it become necessary. High mileage may have different results:) That was an age crack there;)


New member
I am "high mileage" as you said, but because I am, I know that "putting up a decent fight should it become necessary" is not an option against someone who may cripple or kill me in an unusual manner. I carry 24/7 because living here in the midst of the drug highway, you never know who you'll meet or what mood they may be in. The end of my sternum is 2 inches further to my right than it needs to be because I put up a decent fight (when I was younger, tougher, and resembled an albino gorilla) and survived when I should have had a gun. There are people out there that hurt other peole daily and are really good at their work so I carry always.

the jigger

New member

I am also one of those "high mileage" guys. For many of the afore mentioned reasons I am NEVER more than two steps from a useable firearm.


New member
I guess i don't carry because i'm new to it, and i have only one pistol( full size 1911 ). I just don't know how to hide somrthing that size as in summer i do not wear heavy enough shirts and such to conceal it. I dread the first encounter with the local police officer. I have never ever been pulled over,but murphys law ya know:rolleyes:. The only holster i think i could hide it in would be a shoulder holster. As for the high milage thing,,,,Ummm Ya thats me.:D. 10 maybe 15 years ago i could have out ran your bullet:p,but age has done some mean things to me ha ha.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Some casual research by the CHL instructors in TX awhile ago suggested that about 80% of those with the license didn't carry. They wanted the license for a 'car' gun. Whatever that is :confused:

The CHL in TX came about in large part because Dr. Gratia-Hupp had a gun in the car but she was inside the Luby's Kileen massacre.

Think about a car gun - so you are X and the gun is in the car at Y. You going to run to get the gun? That's silly. If you can get to the car - drive away.

There are incidents were at a rampage shooting, a guy goes to get his car gun and runs back towards the incident and is almost shot by the law. At the last Polite Society, a LEO said outright if you get your car gun and head back towards the fighting - you are a dead person.


New member
i have only one pistol(full size 1911)

No wonder... not sure I would carry either if that was all I had. You might want to explore some of the many options for concealed carry that are out there. You might feel differently about it with the right gun.


New member
I hide a Glock 35 and have for some time now. Just learn to do it. Doing things like squatting instead of bending over and reaching up to get things off a shelf at Walmart use your weak hand so you don't print or show the gun. Dress for success.
Think about a car gun - so you are X and the gun is in the car at Y. You going to run to get the gun? That's silly. If you can get to the car - drive away.

Exactly. One of my precepts is that a .22 in your pocket will stop a fight a lot faster than a .44 Magnum out in the car. :rolleyes: