For those that advocate birdshot


New member

Shot in groin, it was no drive-by
Yakima Herald-Republic

YAKIMA -- Friends of a 20-year-old man who accidentally shot himself after putting a sawed-off shotgun in his pants initially claimed he was the victim of a drive-by shooting, Yakima police said.

The man, suffering from massive groin damage, was airlifted to a Seattle hospital where he was reported in satisfactory condition Monday.

Police found the man in the 700 block of North 24th Avenue about 1:30 a.m. Sunday, but quickly deduced his injuries did not correspond to reports of a drive-by shooting.

The officers then got a search warrant for a house about a half block away and confirmed their suspicion the shooting was self-inflicted. The man was airlifted to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.

Capt. Greg Copeland said both barrels of the shotgun accident-ally discharged when the man for unknown reasons placed the gun, which was loaded with birdshot, in his pants.

On Monday, police said the shotgun had been illegally sawed off on both ends.

During the search of the house, officers said they also found a 9 mm Ruger semiautomatic pistol that had been reported stolen in Spokane.

Copeland said police expect to ask prosecutors for felony weapons charges against the man, who has a lengthy criminal record that includes convictions for assault, theft and drug use.

It was unclear if the man is an active gang member. According to court records, his involvement in a shooting in 2003 was gang-related.

Mods this may need to be moved, I wasn't sure whether to post it in SG, general or here.


New member
Please elaborate, I am unclear as to what relationship there is between this person's massive stupidity and birdshot? ;)

PS - I'm not a birdshot advocate. Just wondering what the point is? Don't jam a shotgun down your pants? :p


New member
No, don't jam a sawed off shotgun down your pants, you can jam regular shotguns down your pants all you want.


New member
The point being that this guy shot himself point blank twice, apparently no arterial penetration, but much hamburger de' groin with birdshot and is in satisfactory condition the next morning. Granted his sex life won't be the same:D


New member
As I posted in the other thread, I've had second hand experience with birdshot blowing off a substancial portion of a guys head. So what does this prove, someone breaks in, don't aim for his package? Come on.


New member
If he was stuffing it down his pants, the shot would have been a grazing one, not as if he shot himself full on.

Deaf Smith

New member
Since it hit just his groin, then it could have been buckshot, slug, whatever and the dammage would have been the same.

I think everyone here has heard of hunters pulling their shotgun (with birdshot left in it from bird hunting) by the barrel and offing themselves with a chest full of shot. Never heard of one of them getting up after being hit with a load in the chest.

My wife was a ER nurse, CV OR, head of CVICU, and a bunch of other positions. She said shotgun wounds were the worst and almost always carried in, not walking in like many handgun wounds (especially .22 and .25, lots of them walk in talking.)


My thought was........


The point being that this guy shot himself point blank twice, apparently no arterial penetration, but much hamburger de' groin with birdshot and is in satisfactory condition the next morning. Granted his sex life won't be the same

..... that there are fates WORSE than death. One (this one) would be to be and being known far and wide as "the critter dumb enough to blow his own balls off....... twice."......

Stupid should hurt............ by this measure, that HAD to be excruciating.........


New member
I have only seen one shotgun wound on a human and it ain't pretty. It was self inflicted using small game loads (probably 6 or 7.5), the fella didn't survive.

I couldn't imagine shooting myself in the groin and SURVIVING!!! :eek:


New member
Depending on the extent of the damage, he may have done the gene pool a favor.
I think the Darwin Awards normally require one to kill oneself in some stupid way. Maybe this can qualify, however, given the nature of the injuries. :D


New member
a friend of mine, who is a plumber shot his thumb off with an old shotgun... he was riding in a truck and had the butt of the shotgun on the floor, apparently it was an old single shot with no kinds of safety. he was grabbing the shotgun near the end of the barrel with his thumb in/over the top of the barrel. They hit a big bump in the truck. Now he can do that thumb magic trick like no other.


New member
Actually, this guy will probably have a pretty active sex life, just from the receiving end in prison where he belongs. I keep mine loaded with 00 TAP.
the report said nothing about the ammo or where he shot himself. it is useless for the subject you brought up.

i like bird shot for its dense load up close and mitigated power after it starts encountering objects.

birdshot has its place. we used to skip in bird shot or shoot the legs of rioting inmates over 25 yards because used in this way it is considered less lethal.

it is up to the owner to use want they want then know the limitations of those tools.

there is a lead powder shot that is extremely dense and is even better than bird shot in its loosing energy at distance.

only you can know what you feel comfortable with.


New member
As I posted in another thread: the son of a friend of ours had the entire top-half of his head taken-off with birdshot at approx 20 yds in a hunting accident. Another person we knew had his shotgun loaded with birdshot in the window rack in his truck and it went-off and shot him in the chest as he was pulling it out of the rack, killing him instantly. The statement that birdshot is not an effective self-defense round is entirely false! One just has to exercise some common sense in using it. If you try to pop a perp at 50+ yds with it then you are being entirely unrealistic. A 10 ga with buckshot isn't lethal at such long ranges. Self-defense shotguns are meant to be effective at 10-30 yds at best. With 00 Buckshot you can pepper a guy at 40-50 yds and perhaps scare him and do some minor damage but IMHO, anyone who hangs around after being shot at with a shotgun is a freaking idiot and probably belongs in a mental hospital!


New member
the report said nothing about the ammo or where he shot himself. it is useless for the subject you brought up.

Reading is fundamental.

The man, suffering from massive groin damage, was airlifted to a Seattle hospital where he was reported in satisfactory condition Monday.

Capt. Greg Copeland said both barrels of the shotgun accident-ally discharged when the man for unknown reasons placed the gun, which was loaded with birdshot, in his pants.


New member
a .458 Win mag would not kill you if not hit in the right spot! this says nothing about buckshot effectiveness or even bird shot for that matter. I think you hit a guy COM with a load of 1.5oz 4 shot and you would have a body to dispose of provided it was close range.
i missed the bird shot part. my frak up. i made a mistake. i know your saying not him but who knew right. lol

the point about where he was shot is that groin is a generic term. you used it to defend that birdshot is useless because there was no arterial penetration. my point is groin is a generic term which can include from the waist down to a few inches of the leg.

case in point. no one would doubt that a 357 is one of the premium man stoppers. i know a guy who carried idiot style in his waist band. well one day he was screwing around, as idiots do, and didnt lower the hammer he had cocked.[another idiot thing playing with a loaded gun but what can you expect from someone who carries in their waist band idiot style] as he inserted gun in waist band he made another idiot mistake and had his finger in the trigger gaurd.

kaplam goes the 357. he got a vasectomy, penile reduction surgery, pelvis trimming surgery and muscular liquefaction and removal all at once all for free. missed all the arteries though. lucky guy as some know severing an artery very high in the groin sometimes causes it to retract into the pelvis thus making emergent clamping impossible.

i know one 125 grn lead projectile is different than a hundreds or so bb's. but the point is some folks are lucky. guys go thru a firefight unscathed only to find a crap load of holes in their jacket back packs pants etc.

another importiant point about the birdshot is the fact it quickly loses its umph when it hits something. its penetration isnt spectacular and over penetration of nearly non existent. this is one of the reasons some like it for use in a house. the chances of buck over penetrating at 10 feet are pretty high. that shot will go thru walls and kill people where bird shot loses so much energy thats the chance of unintentional death of your kids sleeping in the next room is minimal even with a few bb strikes.

it all goes back to use what you feel comfortable with.