For the LAST TIME... Is 9mm enough?


New member
Okay, I know this is probably an OLD question, but I gotta ask again...

Just for fun, lets change the caliber of your favorite house gun (the one you choose to protect your family with) to 9mm. It's still the same brand, size, weight, CAPACITY, etc... Revolver, semi, shotgun, rifle, it's 9mm.

A 260 pound escaped convict with a BIG axe has just busted through your front door at 3:00am. The only thing between this monster and you and your beloved family is your newly re-caliber'ed weapon.

Are you safe?

Using modern ammo (Winchester SXT, Remington Golden Sabre, etc.) would you hold some real advantage with, say .40 or .45, or is 9mm REALLY enough?


New member
You magically changed my Glock 34 (with the M3 Tac light and plus two mag) to 9mm? :D

Not much of a trick, but: Yes, I'm sure it's enough!

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!

juliet charley

New member
Enough? Probably.

A full-size 1911 and Hydrashocks would be better (particularly if the subject had time to get hopped on drugs).

Hard Ball

New member
Well, yoi have magically changed my trusty .45 Colt 1911A1 to my 9mm Browning HighPower. but it is loaded with 14 rounds of high velocity 9mm. Yes, I think it is enough.


New member

To rip off Front Sight, any gun will do if you will do. :)


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania


New member
There is no certain one stop caliber,use the biggest you can control and fire until the threat is no longer a threat.Stay safe BILLG


New member
Sure, I'd feel safe with a 3" magnum 9mm pump. Best. John (Seriously, I just purchased a 9mm CZ75B and feel just fine. Nothing wrong with 16 rounds of HP.)


New member
A CNS hit is a CNS hit - no matter the caliber.

My "wearing around" gun is a 1911 and I trust my life to it. But it isn't my "house" gun - That's a Glock 17 with Heinie Straight Eights and Hydra-Shoks. Damn skippy it'll get the job done if I do my part!



New member
thats a good trick changing my Glock 19 into.......a Glock 19. wow i'm impressed.

yes i think 9mm is a very good defense round and i feel well protected with it. however i don't feel safe with anything less than a 9mm. my Glock 30 has a slight advantage but i don't think its that big of a difference.

the real question is not whether a 9mm is good enough to stop that 260 pound escaped convict but whether the EFMJ is all its cracked up to be. i live in NJ and thats all i've got. if not i would use my G30 instead of my G19 but i don't think i'd really feel any safer.


New member
I shoot with a group every Sunday that practices tactical scenarios involving anything that we can think up that will help us develop real world skills. I normally shoot a .45 as do a couple of other's. There are, as you would imagine a host of other caliber's including the 9. When we shoot at pepper poppers and the guys with the 9's hit anywhere other than the top of the metal popper it stays standing. With a .45 or a .40, it goes down even if hit at the base of the popper. I would hate to have to 'make do' with a 9 if I could have a .45. But since you somehow snuck into my apartment and took my MK23 with UTLII on it. I better hope that I am alert enough to hit the perp in the CNS with the first shot. Otherwise I don't particularly like my chances with a drugged out / determined aggressor.


BTW, when do I get my MK23 back? ;)


I would feel better with my sig 220 but 9mm placed where they are supposed to go will do the job.I have no doubt of it but until I have no choice I will use my sig or my S&W 357 mag.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.


Let's see, you took my S&W 4006 chambered in .40S&W and magically made it a 9mm ... well ... that would be the same gun as my S&W 5906 and I asked this very same question in the following trend: "[Link to invalid post]".

My answer? Well? The .40S&W has better stopping capability but I can shoot the 9mm more accurately due to it's lower recoil which means that the bullets will go closer to where I want to put them. Factor in the few extra rounds and my answer is ... Yes, I would be just as well armed with either weapon. Regards,


Share what you know, learn what you don't.


New member
one's all it takes if you're skilled enough to put it where it belongs. a .22 delivered through an eyeball oughtta do the trick, i assume however that that shot's a little tough to make under duress.

all i want is something in my hand that's loaded--9mm, .32, .22, .45... whatever. given my choice i'd take a bazooka, however, i worry about my kids stumbling over the end of the sonuvagun while it's laying in my nightstand.

the number of people in my neighborhood that have experienced the type of event you've described in the last decade is equal to zero. i'll take my chances that since the 9mm Walther P99 is the gun i shoot most accurately at 7 yards, it'll be the best gun for me to use when i need to place one shot where it's gotta go.

Take the long way home...


New member
I shoot 22, 22mag, 762x25, 32s&w, 32acp, 380, 9mm, 38sp, 357mag, 40s&w, 10mm, 44mag, 45acp, 45super, & 460rowland.

I carry 9mm.

I love 357s and 45s, but they just are not as good for me to carry.

The 9mm is the most powerful gun I can rapid fire accurately. I have seen a guy rapid fire my 44mag accurately. I wish I could do that, but I can't. 9mm is the best I can do.


New member
So my 44 mag became a 9mm? And the 357 is a 9mm to start with. What about my 12 gauge and the 308?
I don't trust my 12 gauge to work. Handguns are only for when I can't reach a rifle or shotgun.


New member
i have been carrying a 9mm for a number of years and feel confident it will do the job.
met a cop this week that is still carrying (get this) a n frame s&w in .38spcl!!! says it has been his sidearm for 26yrs and knows exactly what it and he can do in a "situation"
i shoot idpa and use only what i carry . glock or sig and full-compact or sub compact. on the metal poppers whether at an idpa/ gssf, or just plinking with others i have yet to not knock down the metal poppers out to 25yds!and it is always on 1st hit. so i will have to call you on that one (nothing personal). and as for the perp being on "drugs" depending on what if any substance they were on even a .45 might not stop them. guys on dust or other such stimulants think they are superman and the fact of being shot would probably not register for a few it could be a close one.

Red Bull

New member
My problem is with the title: Do we really think this is the LAST time this will be covered? It is so much fun ;)

I am a 260 pound madman, and I don't want to get hit with a 9mm.

There is no evidence to show that there is any drastic improvement between any of the service calibers.

Not only would I not mind 9mm for the situation, I migth prefer it. 16 rounds on tap, and all of them go exactly where I want them to in a couple of seconds. That guy is going to be swiss cheese.

I think that in the scenario you describe, capacity would play a large factor because that guy is not going down to a couple rounds of any service pistol round (the "mighty .45" is not that effective, it would still take many rounds). Aim for the vitals and the head, and pull the trigger lots of times, and hit the damn target. That is your only hope against the drugged up madman you describe. Even then, you better be able to buy some time, because barring a very good CNS hit, that guy is going to live long enough to do some serious damage before he bleeds out, even if you hit him in the heart. You better have a backup plan to at least buy time, like some martial arts skills.

Ps- not to start a fight, but I shoot steel poppers also, and shooting a steel popper and it falling down has absolutely nothing to do with hitting a person and them falling down. I can go push the popper over, and that does not make my push deadly. That has nothing to do with making a hole in someone and making them bleed out.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited August 03, 2000).]