For the ladies


New member
ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. — A woman watching New Year's Eve fireworks from a picnic table found out that her bra can do more than lift and support: It also slowed a falling bullet.

The .45-caliber bullet struck Debbie Bingham, 46, after someone fired a gun into the air about 20 minutes before midnight. She still needed stitches, but the wound might have been much worse except for the bra strap, police spokesman George Kajtsa said.

Bingham, who was in town from Atlanta, said she is thankful for the undergarment, which she said was "very cheap."

"I'd love to have a couple more of those bras," she said.

Bingham said she was listening to music and enjoying the fireworks with her daughter and son when she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder.

Then Solanda Bingham, 30, noticed blood seeping through her mother's white shirt, and they found the bullet lodged halfway into the gold-colored bra. The other half was barely breaking the skin, Bingham told WTSP-TV.

Kajtsa described the wound as a "big scratch with bruising."


See, even with .45, placement is what matters. There is no one-hit-stop :)

Maybe the shooter should have been celebrating with a Five SeveN?

On a more serious note, I'm glad she's OK. It's douche bags like that shooter that ruin things for the rest of us.


New member
I'm still wonderig why this is titled "For the ladies"???

Because I'm guessing not too many guys here wear bras. Unless, of course, you go back to the old "Seinfeld" episode where his father came up with the "manssiere."

As a former biker, I think I'll stick with my leathers.


New member
It was the Bro, and its just an item for guys and girls to read alike, would you run to read an article about a guy hit in the jock? I know I woudn't. :rolleyes:
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