For The Garand Guys

3 gun

New member
Great site. I've used it often. One of the best out there. See they have an update on the CMP,only 100000 rifles left? Wonder how close that number is to true? I know what I'll be doing 1/1/01.

Be careful what you ask for..You may get it.
An unloaded pistol is a paperweight.
Opportunity knocks..Trouble knocks down the door.


New member
I dont doubt the number of rifles left.....about three years ago they told me they had enough for 5 years,.....and since that time they have increased the number of rifles that each individual can purchase in a year...........havent ya'll noticed the m1a's for sale at twice the price everwhere?.......people have been buying them like crazy.........the sorry part of this is that there are rifles available but they are out of the country and the govt wont allow them to be returned...fubsy.


New member
Make sure you vote Bush and maybe we can curtail some of this M-1 import BS. U.S. military WWII surplus rifles cannot be repatriated due to Clinton/GORE gun policies.
This will get worse under GORE. ANYTHING to keep him out. You 3rd party types can vote for whomever you want at state and local levels, but vote GW BUSH for Prez. Anybody else and you help put Algore in office.

[This message has been edited by riverdog (edited October 22, 2000).]


New member
Well, remember that even in local elections, we could lose control of the house and/or senate, then a Gore victory would really screw us!

Mike Davies

New member
Otherwise our fabulous supply of cheap M1 Garands and M1 Carbines will disappear in Canada...<gg>.