for the 308 guy/gals

5R milspec

New member
OK here it is.I would think that most of you are like me.I look at 4 other web if you already know of this just walk away.

a gent at snipershide has worked up a load useing a 208gn Amax and R17.useing a factory remmy with a 1:12 twist and a 20"arrel.the load is this.

49.0gn of R17
208gn Amax
Lapua brass
CCI 200 primer
COAL is 3.000

he say's it running about 2590fps with little pressure signs.even says that he is getting 1.1" groups at 300 yards and 4.75" groups at 700 yards.he has a lot of info but to much to tell.and if I knew how to post the site/post I guys you take what you want out if this.its just that I thought that some of ya'll would like to know.for me when it gets a little warmer I will be trying this load myself.I think this will kake a great 500 yard hunt'n load if you know what I mean.


New member
What kind of chronometer is he using?

I went back and checked my records. I can get 2582 fps using IMR 4064 and the SMK 190 grain. But I am doing that with a 22 inch barrel. Reloder 17 is a new powder. It gets higher velocities in 30-06 than just about any other powder. It may be that it works well in 308 with heavier bullets.
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New member
Holy smokes! A 1-12 .308 and 208 gr. a-max? I wouldn't think he could stabilize that long bullet in that twist with a .308. Of course the cartridge designation,(caliber is still 30), has nothing to do with twist rate. It would be the same from a 30-06 or 300 win mag at the same velocity. But an -06 or 300 would toss it faster so it would stabilize better. If he's getting that kind of accuracy, then it MUST be well stabilized.

To give us a link, just right click the web address on your header when you're over on snipershide, click copy. Then when on this forum left click on the icon in the tool bar that looks like a chain link. Then right click and hit paste. Then hit okay, it'll put the link on the response area,(the white area you type on.)

5R milspec

New member
hunt'n not papper

well then you must not have the time in yet for hunt'n with them.they work better than a smk.and for me they work just as good or better than a you need to try them.and if a 178gn Amax works then a 208gn will do a better job for the deer that want to hang around the 500 mark.

and thanks for the and computers don't get along to good.for me I would rather call and talk.but one cannot do this when useing the net to get info from someone you do not know.

even someone with quickload said that a 24' barrel should get around 2700fps with the same yea man for my 24 incher.cannot wait for the warmer I feel like a kid.nothing like a 308 running like a big boy.and yea he hasn't posted any more info.think the weather is causeing so problems for him to go out and shoot.


New member
I must be a better shot than I thought

When I got some 3 inch groups at 700 yds I blew it off and told my brother that I thought that was pretty good for a rookie....was using 155 A max bullets and RL 15 24" 1 in 10.

5R milspec

New member
well guys I said I would keep you posted.but have some bad news.he hasn't posted anything for a few the weather must be bad for him.but I will keep me word and when something comes up I'll let you guys know.

and for the last post 3" at 700 is great.wouldn't cry one bit with that group.

5R milspec

New member
well guys it looks like it to me the 208gn Amax man has weather problems.but another gent has posted so info on the 210gn smk,and he is getting the same as the other gent.they are working just as good as the 208gnAmax.

so here you go we have two bullets to choose from.and if it was warmer I would already be testing.just be safe and work up.I plan on starting at 47gn of R17 and working up.hope this has been as extreme for you as it has been for me.wouldn't have ever thought of trying a heavy out of my rifel till I came across the I think I will end up useing the heavy for my hunt'n load.then I want think twice on makeing a long shot at a deer.say 400 yards or better.and this way I want have to drag out the big boy my 300 ackley imp.boy it weighs to much to hunt with.
Well don't forget that his rifle's not yours, so throat erosion, barrel wear, trigger pull, god knows what else and etc are different so don't be discouraged if your groups arn't as good. Might take some finagaling. I've got a CED M2 headed my way, but they back-ordered it on me so I'll get it in a few weeks, I'll try the loads out in my weatherby .308 and post my results.

5R milspec

New member
well he has posted that he had to drop one grain from his the new load is 48.0gn of R17.and the new load is still giveing him the same results.even posted some pics of a few groups he shoot and they look really good.

just thought that you guys wanted to know and that I said I would keep you here it is the newest news on the subject.