For home/recreational use: M193 or M855?

Willie D

New member
For home/recreational use: 55gr or 62gr?

OK, let me clarify:

I'm looking to buy a bunch of ammo for my AR (16" bbl, 1in9 twist), primarily for targets/plinking at <300m range.

For the range, accuracy would be the most desirable attribute. And while I have no intent of ever using this as a home defense/emergency hunting rifle; if the need arose which bullet would suit my needs better? 55gr or 62gr?

I realize there are better target rounds and better HD rounds but I'm really looking for a "one and done" cartridge. Something that's not super expensive and something I can zero my rifle to once and then forget about.

Anyone here do the same thing? Favor a particular cartridge of the two? Particular brands?

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