For city dwellers: what to do when/if bio attack happens

Hunter Rose

New member
Ok... not exactly gun related, but I need info...

What course of action can a person take in case of bio attack? Not talking about "prevention", but the aftermath. And we're talking about someone who lives in an apartment in a major city. Suggestions?


New member
Get NBC suits for you and your family, and push carts. You could make a killing (sorry about the pun) going up and down the streets with the push carts shouting, "Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!"


New member
you can plastic line a room and set up a hepa vacume cleaner to filter the air

one thig fer sure
if the SHTF you are not going to drive out

1 fender bender can lock up WDC


New member
If it happens it will be a living nightmare! Nothing coming in or out! Quarantine! Almost sounds like science fiction. Sad part is it could really happen.


New member
Dont worry, we have plenty of vaccines and antibiotics for everybody... everybody the CDC thinks is important anyway.


New member
Ok... any NON-Monty Python ideas?

Yeah...I will go forth and bring a, that's not right.

I figure if I didn't die in a chemical/bio attack I'd just sit on my ass at home with my gun in my lap and hope for the best.

simonov jr

New member
good question...

i was just discussing this today...depends on the agent, wouldn't you say? Anthrax is not contageous person to person, so you could presumable wait for 24 hrs or more and leave the area. I would do what I could to prevent particulate contamination of your dwelling, namely shut down a/c, heat and anything that might create a convection current for spores to enter your home. I would also put pillows, cushions etc over any air vents...They wouldn't need to quarantine people in this case (non-communicable, remember?), and wind, rain and sunlight would take care of alot of the problem over several days. You could put on a good surgical mask, or better yet a gas or other filter-type mask, and eventually leave the area. If on the other hand smallpox, bubonic or some other nasty communicable gets into the general population, you are in for some real ****. In that case, since people are the problem, you don't have to worry about airborn contamination and as long as you have sufficient food stocks, you could stay at home in relative safety as long as you didn't answer the door. In other words, lay in some large enough sacks of rice, corn or wheat that you can hunker down at home for a while. Unless you are in the initial wave of exposure, you should be okay...btw, ammo isn't a bad idea here, as foodstuffs will start to run short in your neighborhood, and looting could follow on the loss of social services in the wake of mass bio casualties.
For a communicable disease, bunker down and avoid all contact with the outside world. Stock supplies for at least 2 weeks. Rice is a good staple there. It is liable to take months to stop a wide spread outbreak. I'm betting it will take a few weeks to establish order after a city is quarantined. Don't forget that the actual attack occured some time before the initial cases received attention. A total shut down of all activity in an infected area is the only chance to prevent the further spread of the disease.

It isn't the initial wave of exposure that's the most dangerous, it's the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation that takes it's toll. I personally am avoiding the mall as much as possible, but I've been doing that for the last several years. I hate crowds in general. Movies and resteraunts are about the only place we go that have a number of people.

Be prepared for a total suspension of all rights within and around the infected areas. Listen to authorities, they'll need to be in complete control of the situation in order to prevent the spread.

Have supplies ready at hand where ever you may be. You might get stuck at work for instance, if martial law is declared. Might last a couple days before you're "allowed" to move outside. You might not be able to make it back home depending on the scope of the quarantine.

Be prepared for wide spread panic. I don't know that I'm worried about looting, National Guard has NBC masks and suits don't they.

Be prepared for a break down in infrastructure, anything that needs people to run it. Gas, water, electric, phone. Make sure you can survive without.

HEPA filter masks seems to be the mask of choice for preventing communicable diseases. Stock up now before people put a run on them.

Watch "Outbreak" if you haven't already to get an idea what might happen, other than the "miracle cure" at the end of the movie.

For most any other type of "disaster" I wouldn't be saying to listen to authorities but to use your best judgment. But with small pox and the other communicable diseases, we are all in the same boat. You're chances of surviving aren't going to go up by running.

Also keep a low profile in your front room in case authorities start going door to door to check on infection. You don't want to be seen as a threat.