FOP still anti-gun?

simonov jr

New member
I remember the NRA used to warn us about Dewey Stokes and FOP, which always seemed to turn up to support Sarah Brady and Clinton on the next new "safety" measure to restrict gun rights. Fast forward to today, no more Dewey. Is FOB still in the Brady Campaign's pocket? Whenever they call me for $ I always tell them I don't support them because of their gun control stance, but I'm wondering if I'm still correct. Anyone?


Moderator Emeritus
They opposed CCW laws in Ohio until they got their ridiculous "holstered in plain sight on your person" language into the bill.

When they got their way, they came out as "neutral" on the issue. The bill was passed and signed into law. That provision alone keeps most people from carrying because it is so onerous.

They (as a group) are decidedly *against* CCW in Ohio.


New member
They are NOT against guns. They are against CIVILIANS. Read some of the diatribes they put out and you will see that they are a classic example of the "them vs. us" mentality.



New member
They must operate differently on a state-by-state basis than they do nationally.

In Wisconsin, the state FOP chapter supported our concealed carry bill.

Nationally, they supported the '94 AWB and opposed the Lautenberg amendment. Of course, the reasons for opposing Lautenberg are obvious.


New member
FWIW, the national F.O.P. recently put up a page debunking the Brady Bunch wild claims regarding the FN FiveSeven.


New member
Stokes might be gone, perhaps not, I cannot say, however re FOP, and the real leadership therein, has that changed?

Some years back, the president of a union local in Pittsburgh, as I recall it was Operating Engineers Union, was asked about the AFL-CIO once again having adopted a "gun control plank" in their "national platforms".

The local president responded that while that might have been the case, "those people did not speak for him, nor did they speak for the members of his local". I think that he might have added that he was uncertain as to whom it was that they did speak for, other than themselves.

What was the situation with FOP, which is to ask re offical positions taken, who was being "represented" or whose thinkinjg was reflected, other than that of "spokespersons", who essentially speak for nobody but themselves.


New member
The FOP wasn't the major offender in Ohio it was the State Highway Patrol who, as a pawn of Governor Bob Taft, blocked the law for years.

Not that the FOP wasn't offensive in their objections as well. They just weren't the number one law enforcement group that did everything possible to kill the bill.

This is how the Highway Patrol and Governor Taft did it.

Taft refused to sign a law unless groups like the Highway Patrol supported it. He is of course the person that controls the Highway Patrol so he made sure they didn't drop their oppostion.

Everyone involved fully expected gun-rights groups, including the NRA, to object to the stupid car-carry provision and then were double crossed when some pro-CCW groups in Ohio said they would accept the law.

My guess is Bob Taft and his cronies with the Highway Patrol almost wet themselves when they found out the law was going to pass. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall during that conversation.

That's when Bob Taft changed the rules and threw in the public records access to get pro-gun groups to bail on the bill.

Which again didn't happen.

Either way it always concerns me when law enforcement makes public policy because when the police make the law they control everything.

So far I've lived in six states and Ohio has the most corrupt government as a general rule than anywhere else - and I grew up in CHICAGO where they invented corruption.


New member
The FOPs (at least in Ohio) are against the Private Citizens as much as possible.

Last time they called me for a donation, I flatly told them that as long as they did not support my right to defend myself, I could not support them with my $$$. Same as I have told the AARP.

Haven't heard from them in 5 years.


New member
FOP still anti-gun

FOP are anti-Citizen, In Sarah Bradys pocket, they come out of thewoodwork anytime Sarah Brady makes an appearance. My some of them have very fancy Uniforms, look like a bunch of Bandmasters. :mad: :mad: