food for thought....


New member
Where are you from? Here on planet earth i believe them are the requirements to becoming a politician in the united states.:rolleyes:


New member
Rep Brady in our district was arrested for DUI in Politicians are people like us....and are probably a reflection of our society.


"Congressional immunity" - since when is it optional for Congressmaggots to obey the laws that We The People have to answer to??:barf: :barf: :barf:

Glock 31

New member
You have to read the whole article. Arrested, accused, claimed mean nothing without a conviction. And of course there are no names. This site is for revealing the truth about articles like this. Like the one I thought was true (9/11 and all the elevens) till I saw the link to this site that stated the facts just weren't as they seamed. Of course politicians are nowhere near angels but I need more facts than this before condemning anyone.:cool: