fobus holster for long term storage


New member
I've been keeping a sig 229 hidden in a fobus krylex (sp?) as my bedside handgun for about 3 months, seemingly with no ill affect in terms of corrosion or finish damage.

I don't store guns in holsters as a rule due to concerns about trapped moisure and other contaminants harming the finish. I'm wondering would I be better served finding another way to keep it secured but at the ready in my bedroom.



New member
Leather and padded nylon retain moisture well. Plastic doesn't. (Nylon is a plastic, but in it's fabric form it retains moisture between the fibers.) If you want to store a gun in a holster, plastic will be the best bet, moisture-wise.

Kydex is a specific type of plastic (acrylic/PVC blend). Fobus holsters are injection molded plastic, but it's a different material than Kydex.

BTW- I keep a 228 next to the bed, but it's in a drawer, no holster.


New member
I keep a Walther PP in a Fobus holster, attached to a clip behind the headboard. I've done this for several years now with no ill effect. I know a small lock box would be best ,but......


New member
That's kinda what I'm doing too RJ. I use the holster to secure the gun in the headboard assembly, otherwise I'd just store it "naked".

As I said, I haven't seen any finish problems yet, but when the muggy summer weather comes along it's nice to be armed with the facts.


New member
Fobus holster for long time storage?

I can't seen any reason why not.
Spray the inside of the "plastic" holster to give the gun extra protection.

Been shooting for 46 years.
Been reloading for 36 years.


New member
Personally, I've never had any trouble storing handguns in any kind of holster, but maybe I've just been lucky.

I sure don't see where a Fobus could hurt anything.