Foaming Bore Cleaners


New member
Thanks to the great Hoppe's #9 discussion I thought I would submit this question:

Ive seen alot of foaming bore cleaners, and I've heard people rave about them, but I've been hesitant to try one as I am uncertain as to their are they used? are they worthwhile?


New member
I have used a couple of them (Hoppes and Outers). They work well, but are expensive per application. I use them to clean out the gas tubes on semi-auto rifles I tade for. Makes a world of difference.


New member
I use Breakfree's foaming bore cleaner. I have the small 3 oz. can, the little bitty one, I think it was $10 but I've cleaned at least 12 pistol barrels with it. Great for pistols, I still have a fair amount left in the can, but I think it could get expensive if you used it every time you cleaned a rifle.


New member
I started using Wipe-Out about 2 years ago and haven't used anything since. All it takes is a 2 second spray in the barrel. Let it sit overnight - not harmful as it does not use ammonia. Then patch it out the next day. Works great and sure beats scrubbing with a brush. Unfortunately it doesn't work on lead cast fouling.