Foaming bore cleaner and gas ports


New member
I recently started using Gunslick foaming bore cleaner, just figured I'd give it a try. It works great and cleans up both lead and copper fouling nicely, but I thought I'd give a heads up to forum members.

This weekend I hit the range with my M1 Garand and M1A Scout. I loaded up the M1A to check zero and it would not cycle. I removed the plug and dumped out the gas piston. Then I used a plastic dental pick to feel around near the port. A few pokes freed up some black chalky residue that I can only conclude was dried up foam which I failed to clean out the last time I cleaned it. Afterwards the rifle was back to it's normal great function.

Before shooting the Garand, I decided to check it out. I did the same proceedure with the dental pick and produced the same chalky black residue from the gas port area.

In hindsight the problem is quite obvious, the foam expands into the gas-port, and when the barrel and gas tube are patched. The crude and foam must congeal into a kind of sludge that dries and clogs the port, instead of being flushed away like when I used liquid based solvents.

This is not an issue with the foaming cleaner so much as it is a need to change my cleaning process when using the product. I myself will continue to use foaming gun cleaner, especially since it really speeds up teh process when cleaning multiple firearms after a day at the range.

I just thought I'd give a heads up to others that may run into the same issue, and ask if anyone else has had this experience.:confused:


New member
I was concerned about that possibility,so I went with "Patch Out" instead of "WipeOut"



New member
I've been using Gunslick in my AR's, Mini's, M1 carbines and Garand for several years and never had a problem. I think that the pressure would blow out any congealed Gunslick out of the port anyway. Are you sure that the problem wasn't due to something else?

I use the foam then follow with dry patches then finally with Ed's Red until the patches are clean. I rarely completely disassemble them.


New member
I agree.
We use Wipe-Out on our semi's, and have never had an issue with fouling of the gas port or cycling. Temps are so hot, it'll burn up anything that's there.


New member
That's what I figured also. Field stripped everything twice and the rifle still wouldn't cycle. Everything else checked out, and was assembled properly. It was only after I picked the "gunk" out of the gas-port that it ran again.

Trust me, I'm quite suprised that the pressure didn't blow out any obstruction. But the fact that the M1 Garands port also seemed to be a bit plugged is what prompted the posting. Never had the issue before, and the only thing that has changed in my cleaning process is using foaming bore cleaner. It may be that I use a pull thru bore-snake, it could be a 1-in-100 occurence, who knows??

Just thought I'd post the experience to let others know the possibility.