FNX-9 vs. FNP-9

Contrast Man

New member
I was at the range today and I rented an FNX-9 and was pretty impressed by it. If I were to buy one, it would be primarily a range gun, but my question is that would I be sacrificing much if I were to purchase an FNP-9 instead? I know the FNP-9 is the earlier version, but I've never handled one and am curious of the differences between the two.



New member
the differences are mostly in the controls, the size, shape and feel. The FNX has an egg shaped mag release and a different style safety/decock. The FNP has a round mag release and a more classic (for lack of a better term) style safety decock. The controls on the FNX are more pronounced, and stick out more, but not in a bad way (unless youre like me, see below)

The FNX is fully ambidextrous, the FNP has an ambi safety/decock and standard mag and slide controls. The FNX comes with a handful of backstraps and the FNP has a swelled one and a flat one.(edit, see below) The FNX has a higher capacity, +1 in 9mm, but the same in .40.

The FNX has a manual safety position by flicking up on the decocker. Most FNPs are decocker only, but the USG models have the up-safe position. if you specifically dont want a manual safety, go with a standard model FNP. If you do want one, you can go either way.

i bought the FNP on purpose over the FNX because i didnt like the shape of the magazine release, and the safety/decocker felt funny in a shooting grip. I went with a USG because i wanted a manual safety. See if the FNP is more comfortable for you. Sounds like the FNX is really working for you though.

Unless youre like me and just plain like the FNP better, you should go with the FNX. Its newer and they're phasing out the FNP.

Feel both. the only difference is the feel in the hands. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with either one, and theyre incredibly similar.

In a nutshell, heres what you would be "sacrificing":

fully Ambidexterous, if youre not a lefty, nothing really. If youre lefty, the choice is obvious.
+1 capacity. not a big deal, but +1 is +1.
Additional backstraps. this is up to you. maybe one of the FNX backstraps will really improve your shooting, i doubt it but its possible (edit-see below)
having the newest thing.

Unless you try the FNP and say OH WOW. compared to this i HATE the FNX mag release and safety! (like i did) go with your gut, if you like the FNX you dont need to worry about the FNP.

Edit- looking at the website, apparently the FNX only has 2 backstraps like the FNP. I could have sworn that it had about 5, thinking back to when i bought mine.
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Contrast Man

New member
Thanks SHNOMIDO! I did actually like the placement and feel of the magazine release on the FNX but I do need to actually get my hands on an FNP and see how they feel. For me, price is also a factor. Cheapest I've found the FNX is $510 where I've seen the FNP going for $360. If the FNP feels and shoots anything like the FNX, I would have to imagine that that's an amazing price, but correct me if I'm wrong!
The FNX has been redesigned to have a much lower barrel axis. When I was shooting the FNPs, the muzzle flip was my only real complaint. Definatly go with the FNX.


New member
I found the stippling on the FNX to be too aggressive for me. I much prefer the FNP for that reason. I think both versions are great guns that are an outstanding value. Now that they are trying to clear the pipeline of FNPs they are an exceptional value.

If I were in the market for a polymer 9mm at this time I would snap up one of the discounted FNPs in a heartbeat. I believe the FNX comes standard with a safety/decocker where the FNP is just a decocker on the standard model. The FNP USG version has a manual safety but they are harder to find.


New member
I have the FNX and FNP9m and I prefer the FNP mostly due to the mag release. I've accidently activated it on the FNX when carrying IWB before, that's never happened with the FNP. The FNP has SLIGHTLY more muzzle flip due to the higher bore access (I suspect) but it's still very little so it doesn't sway my opinion. You won't go wrong either way.


New member
Ichiban, not sure if you realize it, but the FNX comes with backstraps not only in different sizes, but with different stippling. The stock ones, IMO, are too abrasive, but the groove types were fine.

If you didn't like the stippling on the side panels, then that would be a problem.


New member
$360 would be an excellent price, even for the internet. You dont even want to know what i paid for mine in a brick and mortar shop. It was less than a year ago, and i even got a good deal on it. It seems like the FNPs price goes down $25 a month on buds, gunbroker, and in gun stores.

the only advice i have is, if you really truly like the FNX better, and get the FNP to save money, youre going to regret it 6 months from now.

Now, if you actually like the FNP better...the savings is a great bonus.


New member
I have an FNP-40 I recently bought at 20% off with 3 additional mags thanks to the arrival of the FNX, and subsequent FNP liquidations.
i absolutely love it! It is a great gun, especially for the price.

I've been researching, and about the only differences I can tell are that the FNX has:
-new style rail, supposedly can handle more accessories, but my FNP had no problems with my pistol light
-new glock style grip dots on the grips (i actually like the fnp textured grip better)
-enlarged mag release (didnt see a problem with the fnp's)
-cuts on the front of the slide for racking it
-a more beveled slide
-4(as opposed to 2) backstraps (seriously? i just use 1 backstrap...)
-external thumb safety (do not want)

aside from the aesthetic changes and the safety, it's the same pistol as far as I can tel and should be called the FNP GEN2
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