FN HP Compact DA Hmmmmmmm!

Eric Larsen

New member
I saw this gun in a gun rag and thought it deserved a little inquiry.
The gun looks absolutely great and I wish I could find out more on them. Its an FN so it wont be cheap but you get what you pay for. Any thoughts, experience or people who actually own one. Shoot well


New member
I held one in a gun shop in north carolina. They will go for about $560 through a distributor, the NC gun shop wanted $625.

Very nice little package. I am not too impressed with the finish just because it looks like it could have been done better, however, I have no idea how tough it is.

You can see more details at www.FNMFG.com


New member
Also handled one in a gun shop in NC, they wanted $638, and still do, it's been there for months. All-in-all it looks like a nice weapon, but it won't take it's big brother's standard cap mags.

Coltdriver is right, the finish left something to be desired; but you have to remember that FN's focus is mainly LE and military sales. It's utilitarian and nothing more.

The shop owner said he had test fired it, very accurate according to him. Might be worth a look if you're interested in a compact DA weapon.