FN 45 Details/pics ?


New member
Anyone have any details or pics? When is it to be released? Has an MSRP been announced yet? Regards 18DAI.


New member

Dose this help any. As for price who knows. I doubt to see it at first for under $600.


New member
Thanks! I really like the size, and looks of this pistol. I think I'll take the black version, in the lower left. $600 sounds about right, maybe a little less if the gunrags don't put it on the cover. Thanks again, Regards 18DAI.


New member
whats up with all the powder on the front?
i dont own any stainless or shiney guns, is that what they look like after a range session? :eek:


New member
To answer you, Yes.
Especially .45's. I owned a Bersa Thunder 45 in nickel finish at about the hundred round mark it was straight black.
It's not that noticeable with blued or black guns, but it's there.