FM Argentine or FEG?


New member
Which Hi Power clone do you think is the best and most "range worthy"? Looking at either a new FM Argentine Hi Power or a FEG. Which is better quality?

I can say the FEG is one of the most pleasant surprises Ive ever found in a gun. It is more accurate than I am, has a quality blue finish and is 100% trouble free for me. I removed the mag safety and the trigger now breaks like glass at 4 to 5 lbs. Im looking for other FEG products based on my good fortune with this Hi power model.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
FEG's seem to be very well made and highly spoken of by most who own them. (I love mine, PPK/s clone, more accurate than I am)


New member
I believe that the FM Hi Power is the closest copy made.
In the late 1960's, the Direccion General de Fabricaciones Militares (DGFM) (General Directorate of Military Factories) entered into negotiations with FN in order to obtain a license to domestically produce the High Power. This license was granted in 1968, and in 1969 the Fabrica Militar de Armas Portatiles Domingo Matheu (FMAP "DM") (Domingo Matheu Military Small Arms Factory), located in Rosario, Argentina started to produce High Powers in Argentina.....Taken From FM Hi Power Review.

The only difference I can tell is that the front of the slide is not milled exactly the same as the Browning, otherwise everything else is the same.

I've had very good experiences with my Argentine Hi Power. Very accurate and reliable. I have never had a malfunction with close to 1000 rounds through the weapon.

Argentinian FM Hi Powers aren't as well known or widely distributed as the FEGs, so there aren't many folks with experience with them. I rate them very high for a good Browning clone.

I believe the older "Military" looking FMs are more desirable than the commercial type with the large letter stamping on them.

Here is a good review of them on FM Hi Power Review


New member
From everything I read, the FEG is one of the greatest bargins around. Still, the FM is a licensed copy of the FN, just without the better finish. They're both high on my list of next buys.

Go over to and read through the archives in both the old and new forums. LOTS of good info over there.


New member
I currently own a FM Hi-Power, Glock 17, RugerP89, Springfield Ultra Compact 1911, Taurus Model 66 .357 Magnum and a Makarov in .380. There is no question the gun I would grab first in an emergency is the Hi-Power. It is utterly reliable, fits well in the hand and is shockingly accurate. It is simply a great gun and cost $265 NIB about two years ago. To be fair, I don't have experience with the FEG, but if it's half as good as the FM Hi-Power it must be a hell of a gun as well. The Hi-Power design is so good I think you will be OK with either because of my experience my vote would go to the FM.

Hope this helps.


Mike H

New member

$199 with 2 14 round mags. Picked mine up 3 weeks ago, love it.

It's every bit a $600 Hi-Power, for the money its no contest.

Mike H


New member
FM Hi Power

I have one of the Argentine Hi Powers.
I will attest to it as a good handgun for the money.
I've had no problems with mine and it eats everything I feed it ;)

Mike H

New member
there are detailed instructions on the Hi-Power website/forum, soory I don't have the URL handy.

Mike H


New member
It's every bit a $600 Hi-Power, for the money its no contest.
Smile when you say that,,,and genuflect towards Utah,,,,<VBG>:D
You'll make my 2 Brownings weep till they rust with talk like that.


New member
I have a Browning HP Mark III; an Israeli FN Military Contract Mark II and an Argentine FM Mark II. They are all extremely reliable. Quality of assembly leans heavily toward the Browning. The FM is a military quality weapon. Looks like hell but has never missed a beat. I have no experience with the FEG but would have no hesitation recommending any of the above.


New member
I won an auction on Auction Arms. Sent the money order and FFL today. I'll give a report on the FEG when it comes in. Thanks for the input!



New member
The best of the Browning High-Power (BHP) clones is the Arcus 94. It is a better made weapon and only suffers from two maladies. Small sights and its square slide/trigger guard don't look like those on a BHP. How can I say this? I own 3 BHPs, FEG, Arcus, and a FN/FM pistols. What is a FN/FM pistol? It is what you have when a FM"s frame goes South and the pistol is rebuilt. The FM's gave out when it was over polished while trying to give it a BHP quality reblue. The paint covers a lot of rough areas on an Argentine. Regards, Richard


New member
Just took my new FEG to the range today and I have to say that I am impressed! Fired 150 rounds with no malfunctions of any sort, was as accurate as any of my "elite" guns and the trigger was actually better than a Browning hi power that I used to own. Very worthwhile investment!


New member
FEG in .45 ACP DON'T !!!

Damned accurate--all 7 rounds in a 2.5" bull at 15M during first shooting, but by 90 rounds it threw off the front sight...reattached by distributor in 1 week...threw it again, and again ! Silver soldered it down. Within 300 rounds, it threw it again. Bad design POS!

