FloriDUH primary


New member
I just heard that Janet Reno is already positioning herself to challenge the primary results that aren't in yet. She alledgly has 53% of the vote.

Bill trains his dogs well.


New member
I hope she does win. I think I stated elsewhere that the shaved Yeti would make a great jousting dummy for Jeb Bush.


New member
I hope she wins the primary. I don't think she could beat Jeb considering all the voters she has already pissed off in Florida. I also think that the voters should be given a clear choice of candidates, not a Republican running against a Democrat whose views are essentially the same.


New member

IMHO Bush earned some serious favors from us race fans over the Dale Earnhardt photo thing. He can also ride the coattails of his brother's recent popularity a little bit.

Personally, I think he's in good shape.

Remember also, the Cubans HATE Reno (think Elian Gonzales).

Republicans aren't stupid enough to vote for Reno.

New Bush campaign slogan:

Bush or Chewbacca - the choice is yours.

(No offense meant to the real Chewbacca)


New member
The funny thing is, everybody makes fun of the intelligence of the rednecks here in the south, but it wasn't the right-wing, deer-hunting, beer-drinking guys in pickups that couldn't figure out how to cast a ballot, it was the "educated" liberal transplants from the various People's Republiks of the northeast who couldn't figure out how to vote.

Dave P

New member
What ever happened to requiring intelligence to vote? What about requiring nominal brain capabilites - above and beyond those capabilites to just breath and pump blood?

And you notice it is the democRATS that do the complaining about how hard it is to vote?

Palm Beach and DAde counties: Who wants to buy them? Can we send them to California?


New member
No matter how inviting a poll tax or voter testing may be, they are illegal and unconstitutional. Any US citizen 18 years old and older may vote even if they can not read or speak English well enough to understand the ballot. That's the American way and I wouldn't change it for all the smooth elctions in the world.

But there are still some really stupid people. Who was it that said you can not make someting so well that some idiot can't break it? That's the voting system. Cartoons with audio would be too difficult for some.

Jim V

New member
Any wagers that the residents of those three Florida counties would screw up if they were given only one choice, a marker and a box to put a mark (of any type) in to cast a ballot?


New member
Dave P,

Gotta agree with Libertarian. Remember the literacy tests used to keep blacks from voting?

Jim V,

Maybe boxes with a round hole, a triangle hole, or a square hole on top, with round pegs, triangle pegs, and square pegs with the candidate's names written on them.

Jim V

New member
Perhaps a simple ballot with the photographs and names of the candidates. Then all the voters would have to do is draw a circle around their person's picture. No, then there would be those who would misunderstand what they were to do and draw moustaches on the pictures of the ones they were voting against.


Member In Memoriam
Didn't The Butcher call for a manual recount?

Uh, does a completely comuterized system even have manual stuff to count? Wouldn't they just run the talley again?


New member
Good point. What's to manually recount on a memory chip? The 1s and 0s?
My favorite poster to come out of the last Fla electon showed Big Al in a typically wooden pose, and the words:
"Haircut at the mall - $10"
"Suit off the rack - $200"
"Constituants too stupid to correctly cast a vote - priceless"

And I see the constituants haven't gotten any smarter in the last 2 years.


New member
Billl, was it you or the original author who mis-spelled "Constituents?" I hope it was the original as that would make the poster even funnier.

If it was just a typo - oh well, it happens.


New member
My mistake, I guess. The poster was put on the net, so it could probably be found. I'd guess, on Free Republic, but could be somewhere else.