Florida Secretary of State Press Release


New member
Looks like we are in for a very tense couple of days.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>TALLAHASSEE, FL.-- As of 6:00 a.m., Wednesday, November 8, 2000, the Florida election returns in the 2000 U.S. Presidential election were 2,909,135 for Republican candidate George W. Bush and 2,907,351 for Democratic candidate Albert Gore. These returns reflect all precinct ballots cast and all absentee ballots cast in all 67 Florida counties, with the sole exception of outstanding overseas absentee ballots.

The difference in votes cast is 1,784 in favor of Governor George W. Bush, which is less than one half of one percent of all votes cast. Under these circumstances, Florida law requires an automatic recount of all votes cast. The recount will be conducted in each county by the statutorily prescribed county canvassing board. It is expected that the recount will be completed by the close of business on Thursday, November 9, 2000.

Under Florida law, Secretary of State Katherine Harris is the constitutionally independent officer elected by the people of Florida as the chief election officer of the state. As such, it is her responsibility to obtain and maintain uniformity in the application, operation, and interpretation of the election laws. Florida law has rules and procedures to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the recount process. The Secretary of State has sworn to uphold the laws of the state to their fullest extent and will exercise her sworn duties with the utmost vigilance.

Florida Department of State * The Capitol * Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
(850) 414-5500 * Fax (850) 487-2214 * TTY: 850/488-5779 * www.dos.state.fl.us

FYI, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris is a Republican.

NRA Life Member

--G. S. Patton, Jr., Lt. Gen., USA, 6 March 1944

[This message has been edited by Alfadog (edited November 08, 2000).]


Moderator Emeritus
I think they are just trying to buy a little breathing room. I expect an announcement later today. I would have to think that most overseas ballots would be for Bush.

Of course I have been known to think wishfully. :)

David Scott

New member
After all the embarrassment the networks suffered having to retract predictions and pronouncements, I'm not saying jack until the official word is in.


Just heard Bush won the popular vote in
Can Comrade Gore really have won the national popular vote are we that far gone?


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Contender:
California is putting Gore in the lead with the popular vote due to it's shear number of voters.[/quote]

That's exactly why the Electoral College is needed. To balance out the power between the largely populated and sparsely populated states. In this case it worked perfectly. If not for the EC, probably 5 states could have carried it for Gore; California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. All of the other states wouldn't have been able to keep up. I've seen so-called Constitutional scholars on TV over the last 12 hours or so who didn't even understand that concept.



New member
I tend to agree, houndawg. I'd never given the electoral college much thought previously, but I'm beginning to see the logic in it now. If it weren't for the college, why would candidates even bother with the central US? Campaign for the port cities and urban areas and forget the rest of the country. The college serves to force candidates to accomodate the less-densely populated states and their populations wishes as well as the port cities et al.

- gabe

PS: I'm also amazed how literally none of the historians I've seen so far have mentioned this reason for the college.


New member
It's the difference between being the "United States of America" on one hand, and the "Peoples Republic of America" on the other.

Having separate States in the US should allow us to have more control of how we want to live as individuals, I would think.

I am wondering now, what state I could move to, so that my vote could count and less of my hard-earned money would be stolen to support the rise of communism in America.

(No relation to that $%#$ bill)